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Jim Bowen

Rocker Cover gasket on VR6?

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Before i go and buy one and attempt to fit it to cure leaking oil, is there anything important to know.


Am hoping its a case of undo rocker cover, fit gasket, bolt everything back together.

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Yes its fairly simple but there are two types, depending on whether you have a plastic or metal cam cover.

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i would make sure you clean the rocker area where the gasket site thoroughly, use some instant gasket and take your time as you seat the gasket in there. Make sure the semi circles are pressed in properly. Then also apply instant gasket to the rocker cover, after having cleaned it well too. Carefull place the cover over the bolt pins and go around checking that the gasket has not moved. There's no oil pressure there as such, but somehow the oil manages to find the 'weak spot' in the seal and seap through. Its very straightforward, perhaps too much so, which is why i certainly had to redo my gasket after not sealing it well enough. Nuts are only tightened to around 20Nm, although someone can confirm teh correct rorque - basically not too much else teh rubber will just extrude out from the two faces.

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nice one, thanks for the tips.


am sure thats what is leaking on my engine.


what cars had a plastic cover? mine is a 1995 VR

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been to VW and ended up buying both types of gasket to save being wrong etc, they are only £12 each.


I take it the sealent stuff is any old stuff from local garage type shop?

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Normal instant gasket will do the job - just try and get black as it will look nicer than orange or blue :D


oh and a 95 will probably have a plastic cover as mine does, a tap on the cam sprocet end should tell you.

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