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You may have to take the roof lining out (1/2 hour job) and make sure the plastic drains haven't come loose ! You will be able to see where it's leaking from with no lining !

Don't take out the sunroof inner panel,this has a built in "gutter" and without it in,it will leak !

I know it sounds a daunting job,but the roof lining removal isn't a hard/long job

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  dragon green said:
You may have to take the roof lining out (1/2 hour job) and make sure the plastic drains haven't come loose ! You will be able to see where it's leaking from with no lining !

Don't take out the sunroof inner panel,this has a built in "gutter" and without it in,it will leak !

I know it sounds a daunting job,but the roof lining removal isn't a hard/long job


Ok i guess thats the next step then. Roof liner out (eeeek). Can it be removed doing it solo? I gather once i remove the sun visors, grab handles, coat hooks etc, it'll just slide out backwards will it. Do any other bits of trim need to come off?

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The rear trim between the C pillars,sunroof trim edging, loosen off A,B&C pillars, sunvisors,coat hook,handle,interior light and "holder"(2screws)

You can gently pull the lining out through the boot,leaving the trims in helps support the lining.ive done mine a couple of times on my own,just be careful and make sure your hands are clean.

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  dragon green said:
The rear trim between the C pillars,sunroof trim edging, loosen off A,B&C pillars, sunvisors,coat hook,handle,interior light and "holder"(2screws)

You can gently pull the lining out through the boot,leaving the trims in helps support the lining.ive done mine a couple of times on my own,just be careful and make sure your hands are clean.


Cheers Dragon i'll give it a go.


The roof lining is a bit dirty anyway and i think i may get some aerosol and spray it black.

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Right ive taken a look - managed to pull the headlining back to give me a view of what was going on.


The sunroof is like a sieve. However im not 100% sure where the water is coming from, other than 2 holes at the front that the water is dripping out of, allowing water onto the sunroof panel. But the rear of the sunroof panel is soaked too.


Here are some pics -


On the front corners there is a small hole on either corner, which allows water to drip through... what are these holes???


From below -



From above -



Some pics of the sunroof panel - its soaked on the inside (sorry for the poor pics)


Front edge -





rear edge -





Edited by Critical_Mass

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yours is leaking how mine is, i dought its the rear drain as there further back from that area, i remember picking at some adhesive when it was out so maybe it was blocking a hole like yours , although i remember it to be ok and not full of holes,

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I dont think its the rear drains as you say they're further back.


Those holes look like they're meant to be there, there's a hole on either side and they're such a shape where they're above manufactured. However, i dont understand why they're there as they let water in!?


I dont know what to do next now.....

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There must be somebody on here who knows what those holes are for ! I'm going to take a guess,and say you have two holes in the back as well ! Which would explain the leak

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  dragon green said:
Post a new thread asking advice,

There must be somebody on here who knows what those holes are for ! I'm going to take a guess,and say you have two holes in the back as well ! Which would explain the leak


I dont know, possibly. Cant say i saw any at the back. Prob have to take another look. The thing is they look like theyre there from factory, so they must be needed AND also it never used to leak and the whole will have been there before.


im tempted to silicone them up, but like i say im sure if you checked your sunroof the holes would be there also.


Could it be the white seal that goes around the opening of the sunroof (see pics)?

Edited by Critical_Mass

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