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Replacing air filter....quick 'how to' please

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No, just undo the clips and pop the top of the airbox off. You might have to take off the intake pipe just after the maf to be able to lift the lid off.

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nope. just pop the clips open front and back. lift old one out, quick clean if ith inside of the box is dirty. new filter in, clips back down. cup of tea and pat on the back.

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Guaranteed? Seriously? :lol:


Trouble is, a dyno plot would cost around £40 to aquire, and if you don't get your 5%, the best you're gonna get is a refund of, erm, circa £40! They're shrewd gits in the motor tuning industry!

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When i bought my vr6 i was told by several people its mandatory to replace the air filter :lol:


It most probably causes less power but the sound is soo worth it!!!

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