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Mr Sands

Immense day meeting LEGENDS.

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Had a lovely day out today attending a Help the Heroes fundraiser put on by West Mercia Police at Throckmorton Airfield.


First up was a lovely surprise: missus' brother had grown bored with his Renault Clio 1.6; looked lovely but lacked enough grunt, so he turned up today in this:




Not usually a man for French motors but this is lovely...sorry about the picture, didn't take one until we got back, and it was raining, so I stayed under the porch to take this. :camp: So it was a little "pootle" over to Throckmorton, lots of banter about a match up soon against the VR (because the stats are so close it's ridiculous, although I suspect his will feel a little fresher, being only a year old...).


Then a lovely day wandering round a superb collection of aircraft, tanks, fire engines, police dog demonstrations, vintage motors and tonnes and tonnes of Police Cars...and to my everlasting delight, these two gents are here!






Just to seal the day off: aerial stunting galore and then flypasts by Tornadoes, a Dakota, a Hercules and even a Spitfire, which was the highlight of it all. Apart from meeting two living legends! :cool: 8) I can't praise them enough: consummate pros but even at the end of the long day, still glad to see muppet me and pose for the shot. Pat in particular was a legend.


The Police as a whole put on a great show and I'm glad they're in charge of looking after us all. :salute: :notworthy:

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did they take a DNA sample from you so they could put you on their database while they were there?!

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Road Wars?? :D




did they take a DNA sample from you so they could put you on their database while they were there?!


They did not! Don't know if that's a pop at the boys in blue but I've got to say, I've nothing but praise for them. In all my dealings with the Police (and I do know one or two people on the force or who are ex-coppers), I've found them to be superb people and that includes in the sort of circumstances in which people might normally take against them ie when my late grandmother's house was broken into whilst empty, property taken which we never saw again and when they pulled me over for speeding...


Because whilst I don't believe in every policy they might have, I still think that the majority of them do a cracking job within the parameters they can. They're under-resourced hugely and, like any job, one or two of them make a bad name for the rest. I've read many of the stories on here about people being stopped because the copper was in a bad mood, didn't like the car etc.


However, any profession has such bad apples, especially in a profession which employs as many as that. And they'll have policies set at management or government level that are awful. But for me to criticise the men and women on the frontline for the bad example of a few or for being subject to silly policy is as unjustified as a parent coming to me on Parents Evening and having a pop because she doesn't like the National Curriculum set texts or her child was badly taught in Primary School. It's nothing to do with me and all the people in my school are doing a bang up job in a friendly way.


That's my experience of West Mercia and the Law in general. Just my tuppenyworth.

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Not a fan myself, but we all have our own opinions.

I do find road wars amusing though!

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Not a fan myself, but we all have our own opinions.

I do find road wars amusing though!


That's what makes life interesting! Be boring if we were all the same. For starters, everyone would drive a Corrado, and then they wouldn't be a litmus test of people with intelligence, like they are now! :)


Glad we agree on Road Wars though.

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Pat looks wrong without the tache.



agreed. i didnt really recognise him until i looked at the second pic and then twigged. i have had good dealings with the Po po and bad. most of them are cool and as normal as everyone else but a few of them seem to get on there high horse when there is no need. same in everything tho!


sounds like you had a good day tho. i aint a french fan but i do like the clio's specially the sports lol

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Ah Road Wars... awesome! I watch it many an evening - one of my favourite things on TV :) My girlfriend thinks I'm a right saddo, but then she likes Britains Got Talent, so not in any position to judge! :)

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Ah Road Wars... awesome! I watch it many an evening - one of my favourite things on TV :) My girlfriend thinks I'm a right saddo, but then she likes Britains Got Talent, so not in any position to judge! :)

Me too! I love it. I still can't understand why people try it on with Cops. They WILL find out. :lol:

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I am 100% certain shiz goes down differently without the cameras there!


Its positive to see a pro-Police post on a car enthauist forum, makes a change to the usual Edition38 :camp: 's

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I am 100% certain shiz goes down differently without the cameras there!


Its positive to see a pro-Police post on a car enthauist forum, makes a change to the usual Edition38 :camp: 's


I do honestly believe that most coppers are genuine, honest, down to earth people who just want to do a good job. Most of the time on Road Wars, people who come out giving the police a gobfull get a rough time.. those who treat the police with respect, get treated with respect. Seems fair enough to me.

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I quite like road wars, but my wife is addicted to it! In fact, she's just gone to bed and i can pretty much guarantee it'll be on when i get upstairs!


In terms of the police, my general view is they're great.


I got pulled on the motorway the other day as my car came up with no registered owner. I've only just bought it, so explained everything, they did an insurance check and i was on my way. My mate who was in the car loved the experience, spend 10 minutes chatting to the fittest WPC i've ever seen! :luvlove:

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I don't know, maybe it's me, maybe the car, or a recent experience with a cyclist but I actually get a wave from the local traffic cops. Any other time I've got along OK with the plod. Be nice, they're nice back, unless you've been stupid.

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