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KR head on a 9A Block...

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I'm sure this question has been passed around quite a lot, so apologies for this.


I have a complete KR engine sat in my garage and I've heard of people fitting the KR head onto the 9A block :norty:


I know the KR inlet camshaft does wonders to the 9A but how about swapping the entire heads over? Is it better than just changing the cam?


Many thanks all :grin:

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not really any difference, minor changes to the inlet ports,

general condidtion of heads is more important.

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im doing this atm, not quite finished yet but its straight forward.

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Cool! Let me know how you get on! How come you're doing it - for the power gain or just because the old 9A head was tired?

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Dont know thb. Assumed it was cracked, not had it looked at :lol: A KR head come up for sale on here so I went with it. I did manage to get a stainless 4 branch to so it should be a nice valver I hope

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as already said,just get hold of the best condition 16v head you can find. 8)

I'm running a kr head on a 6a bottom end.(same as 9a) simply because the components were available to use.It's what you do with them that counts. 8)

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