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Starting Issue - starter motor doing nothing

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Typical - I need the car today so I get in this morning, turn the key and


A RRrrrrrrrr, A RRRRrrrrrrr, A rrr, A rr, click, click click - :censored:




Had charged the battery last weekend so that was all good . . ..


Went back in the house for two minutes to change shoes to push the car off the drive so the Mrs can get her car out later. I try once more just in case and NO PROBLEM! Starts absolutely normally!


Not 100% sure what it could be although 2nd time I unlocked the car and put the alram in Valet Mode to stop it re-alarming / immobilising itself. Don't think that's it as when it's immobilised I don't think it even clicks on the key turn.


Starter motor on the way out?

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Possibly a bad / loose battery connection? Perhaps slamming the door in frustration joggled things sufficiently to make good contact once more?


Aplogies for the vageness of details but it was half six this morning and I was in a hurry.

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Update from this evening. Started fine this evening for the four short journeys. Noticed the MFA had reset itself at the time the problem occurred this morning - trip meters, avg fuel and clock all reset.


Popped bonnet to check the battery connections which looked fine although on the red one (see how technical I am!) the bolt that tightens the lead connection to the battery terminal was loose as in no nut to attach it to. by no means loose enough to have become disconnected but not right. Found an ordinary nut and did it up.


All a bit odd.

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Yep sounds like the loose battery terminal will be the cause.


You need a good connection to the battery to get the starter to fire over (largest battery drain) and the reset of the MFA/clock also shows that the battery power has become disconnected at some point (if this occurs during a high drain point, ie starting, then it will reset the clocks).

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Update and still not starting!


I now have two proper, really tight battery connections having sourced new bolts and nuts to secure the cable clamps on the battery terminals. Charged the battery for a few hours and now I get rapid clicking when turning the key.


Stuck it in third gear and rocked it back and forth a bit then tried starting it again and now not even the clicking.


Sooooooo, is this a stuck / broken starter motor? Or perhaps an ignition switch that has decided to retire?

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I sometimes have a problem starting my vr.

I scanned it at my work and it looks like my g28 engine speed sensor is playing up.

Only does it once a month but it does need replaced.

£80 is pricey for a sensor. :mad2:

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I've had a new cam shaft position sensor and a new crank shaft position sensor already this year - how many sensors does one engine need for heaven's sake?

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if the starter is still clicking intermitantly, you are obviously getting power down there, it sees that the starter soloniod is a bit dicky and sticking intermitantly, i would source a know good one , and refit, cleaning connections on the starter motor, battery terminal and the earth which is bolt down behind the battery.

also as a point of call and not to leave you in the stick chuck a new ignition switch on there, they arnt too much and there is step by step instruction on wiki i think to do this. :D

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yes sounds like the starter solenoid. Try this:


- get someone to turn the key to start the car.

- with a sturdy piece of wood, tap firmly on the top balck cylinder on top of the starter - this is the solenoid.

- if its just you on your own, tap the solenoid firmly a few times before and then try and start the car.


If it then engages and starts thats your problem. If thed starter is old, its worth replacing as the magnet will generally lose its magnetism over time. If not, then remove it from the car, take the three bolts from the starter head out. You'll see the solenoid piston there. remove, clean thoroughly, clean the piston 'cylinder', lube with oil and refit.


Good luck and do post up your findings.

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Getting absolutely nothing from the starter motor now.


Time to drag it to the local garage again.


I could ask the wife to tow me 135 miles to DG Autotech but I hate to hear her use foul language.

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Have you disconnected the live feed to the starter motor terminal, cleaned it really thoroughly to bright metal, and reconnected it? And the same for the earth cable to the bell housing? With all connections tight? Then check that the connector block on the solenoid is properly fixed.


Best wishes



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Bypass the engine earth straps to test by connecting a jump lead from the battery -ve to a clean metal part of the engine/gearbox then give it a try.


If that doesn't work, I suspect the battery may be goosed and unable to supply the current required to turn the starter despite charging it. Have you got another known good one you can try?

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Thanks chaps - I'm afraid a combination of work, lack of common sense and time have meant it's over to the garage. I can cope with them finding a loose wire and laughing as they charge me an hour of labour. I almost hope it is the starter motor gone!

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All those who pointed at a dead or near dead battery take a bow.


A new battery and all is well in the world again!

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