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Scrapping a bare shell

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I've a bare shell at present that I'm wanting to get rid of. It doesn't have any subframe/beam assembly and therefore no wheels. Due to this most scrappers in my area have indicated they won't collect it due to the difficulty of loading it onto a truck, or indeed the damage the metal contact has. My options as things currently stand are - 1) Pay to have it 'grabbed' and removed, 2) Put subframe/etc, beam and wheels back on or 3) Cut the damn thing up. Has anyone got any other ideas - or even better, any contacts/know companies who can help in the Uxbridge/West London area?

Thanks in advance

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I vote option 3) just for the fun of it :D


I wonder how much a plasma cutter costs to rent? :norty:


I guess any option that's cheaper than collection is viable, even dragging the damn thing along behind a van :lol:

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got a quote of 50 quid to come and crane it off the drive - so probably go with that option... although cutting it up would be a laugh!

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cut it up and sell as panels.

at least that way it may save another corrado going to the scrap yard :D

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lol @ supercharged!


after several parts are lying in my garage due to no interest i just want rid of it - 50quid is fair i reckon for a painless removal

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Put it on Edition38 for £10K - some knobba will buy it becuase it's so low!




And with 10J banded steels they'll pay £30K for it

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Paying 50 quid to be shot of it may be the easiest solution, but I'd go for cutting the bugger into small pieces. Much much more fun and satisfying if its been annoying you. As said before plasma cutter will do the job and they're a hoot to use, you can write with them, cut out smiley faces etc. Or get some massive metal cutting saw like Boost Monkey did. Zzzrrrnnnnnyaaahahaha! (thats the sound of you cutting thru the metal, say it like you're a supervillan who's pleased with his plans for world domination lol)

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i need some metal cutting out of it the part where the foliage seal is, will pay good money as no one is willing to get there angle grinders out let me know, i pretty desperate for this part i can send you a pic over if you like of the corosion.

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play noughts and crosses in the panels until its swiss cheese and can be folded like a paper airplane.

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This may not entirely solve your problem and a problem which by now I assume you have solved but my advice may be of use to others in the same situation.


Speaking from experience and by experience I mean having to dispose of three shells from various different locations. Each location in which the car was broken was not suitable for 'the scrap man' to collect from and so consequently the shell had to be moved. Each time we did this we actually found a better method, and by better i mean less back breaking.


Method No.1 - Shell No.1:




2 x Long scaffold poles

4 x Strong human beings

Some time.




Place one of the two scaffold poles underneath the chassis legs at the front of the vehicle perpendicular to the legs themselves. Strap the pole to each of the legs so i can't move around. Apply the same theory with the other pole underneath the rear section of the car in the rear axle position. Strap up through the petrol tank hole or where ever you see suitable. Grab three friends, one man/woman/he-she/pet on each corner and lift shell out to required pick up point. In our case this was out from under a lean-to, down a drive way, through a gate and into a car park.


Total Move Time: Approx 1hr


Method No.2 - Shell No.2




2 x Trolley jacks (with wheels)

1 x heavy duty metal skate

2x human beings




Once stripped, jack rear end of the shell on to the heavy duty metal skate, we happened to have one of these lying around from a previous project and it had been adapted to move all manor of heavy objects over the years. A suggestion could be to 'borrow' a bread stack skate or even fashion one yourself. When the rear end has been lowered on to the skate, take both trolley jacks to the front of the shell, one on each side and lift the chassis legs onto each of the jacks. Jack them both up at the same time to raise the front of the shell to match the rear. Once level, use the jack handles to pull the shell towards you. A third person could be utilised to push from the rear to avoid it sliding off the jacks but this method worked with just two of us.


This method however is only really suitable for use on flat concrete type surfaces were wheels will roll. Method 1 was carried out of gravel and so in that situation this method would not have been suitable.


Total Move Time: Under 30 mins (as this was all we had before the scrap man arrived - panic was not the word.)


Method No.3 - Shell No.3




1 x Carpet Roller

2 x Rachet Straps

2 x Human Being (although i would imagine possible with one)




Probably the most ingenious of the the three methods and came to me by complete accident. After seeing a carpet roller at a friends place (works in the trade) I for some reason thought it would make a great car shell mover. Big inflatable tyres, strong metal frame for holding a tonne of carpet and light enough to be transported to where the shell lie. Looking back, a carpet roller isn't far off what bodyshops and car manufacturers use to paint / prep / build cars.


Simple method this, jack the car high enough to get the carpet roller underneath, line up roughly in the middle to take the weight evenly. We attempted to balance it when on the roller to ensure the middle point was roughly achieved (our roller was only a two wheel jobbie). Rachet strap down through the door holes and down across the shell floor, looping through the roller frame. Once secure tip up to balance and bob's your uncle's mother's brother's cousin. Wheel the shell around to your hearts content, up hills and down dales.


Total move time: Under 15 mins (to our astonishment).


Priority with any of this is safety, thats not to say we didn't have fun doing the above.

Hope that helps any one thinking of undertaking the task without serious lifting gear. (which i know we all have lying around.) :D



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