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Jim Bowen

Hot starting trouble, VR6

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Recently when starting the car when engine is hot the cars is really lifeless, it turns over alright, but for a few seconds the revs sit really low (like off the scale) and it struggles to get up to speed.


If i give it a rev it helps and sorts itself out otherwise it just takes a few seconds to kind of whirr up to idle speed.


Drives fine afterwards

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Heat....if there is a particular spot that is hot when sitting with engine off.



Trying to think where the fuel line go now :confused4: .

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Not a VR but I've heard these symptoms before and the in-tank fuel pump was the culprit.

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i also seem to remember a thread on here where the fuel pump was to blame (and that was on a vr) - it wasn't holding any sort of pressure in the lines due to the pump being fubar'd - hence the initial problems when starting...


the pump relay might be a good place to start...


if you do end up finding it's the fuel pump at fault then it's probably worth changing the fuel pressure reg at the same time if you end up replacing the pump and the reg is still the original.

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Sorry my post was meant to read along the lines of 'not a VR .... ' BUT it was definitely the cause of the same problem you describe on another VW so I would strongly suggest it's a strong contender.

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i've had this problem recently, and have just changed the fuel pump and swapped a spare/ better battery on and seems to have sorted it.


the diapragm upstream of the fuel pump rupturing and therefore unable to sustain system pressure is a definite cause of slow starting on valvers.

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