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Corrado - Long term values?

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So im pondering selling the G60, going to see a possible new car next week.


But i was wondering, with the way so many Corrado's get broken for parts (Lots!) and the way that Vw seem to not want to help keep them going, how do people think long term values will be affected? Im wondering if i should try and hang onto mine, im not really sure why but i've had it for around 6 yrs, so maybe in another 6yrs it will be worth a little more and i may want to keep it anyway regardless of value?


Just a passing thought...



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I'm really in two minds about this. On the one hand it makes sense that values should rise with fewer cars on the road. But on the other hand, maybe they will drop further as it becomes harder and harder to get replacement parts to keep them running.

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i think we're still in the breaking phase at the moment, there's been more (good) cars for sale this year so far than i've seen in 4 and a half years. when finding a good low mileage one for a collector is really hard then prices will go up, i dont think we're at that stage yet though. for at least a year its been the worst time to be selling a corrado in working condition, so unless you really need the money, i'd keep it.

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Prices are starting to creep up a little, especially for cars in good condition.


There are less breakers up for sale and new spare parts availability is a lot worse than it was 2 years ago.


They will go back up again in the next couple of years without doubt but I have no idea how quickly or by how much. If I had to guess I would say good Mk 2 Golfs prices plus a little extra.

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I cancelled the claim regards the bumper because the guy who damaged it went and lied to his insurance company. :censored: Even though he admitted liability to myself, and said he was going through insurance simply because he had protected no claims. I assumed he would hold his hand up and say "Hey it was my fault, but it won't affect my premium anyway right"


No problem anyway, because i want to make sure it's done right whether i sell the car or not, and what goes around...always comes around.


Interesting thoughts about comparing the corrado's to the mk2 golf, as they really have got to that stage now of being decent money for tidy examples, while being a heck of a lot harder to come by as well.


I really am in two minds about selling, especially having spent, wasted, sunk so much money into it (Over 10k! with receipts) and yet it's just an old modified volkswagen at the end of the day.



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I really am in two minds about selling, especially having spent, wasted, sunk so much money into it (Over 10k! with receipts) and yet it's just an old modified volkswagen at the end of the day.




Shame about ur bumper mate, there are some real pricks out there.


I know exactly what u mean about whether or not to sell, ive spent a bit less than half of what you've spent but wont get half of that even now that im trying to sell.


If u think you'll end up in another rado later on in the future id keep it, if u buy another now, be it more pricey or cheaper it'll be worth it as rado prices are just shite at the minute making it a buyers market. Im only selling to get a vr or else i wouldnt bother tbh.


I say that, but alot of large engined german metal has depreciated alot lately... Clk's are always looking tempting for some reason... :scratch:

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Aye, I noticed yours was advertised Abdul...It always seemed to be a cracker of a Corrado to me, so hopefully you will get a decent price for it mate. I've just had a look through the classifieds and it does seem that value's are quite low at the moment :pale: I think the cars are definately worth more, but they just aren't selling.


In fact it looks like it's the whole secondhand car market thinking about it now. I've been looking for a mk4 golf r32 for a while, and there have been plenty that have had 1, 2, 3 price drops! The one im going to see this week has just had £2K slashed off the price and it's a 29k miles example!


Mmmmm. Maybe the Corrado should sit in the garage for a while.

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i can only see them going up.


If you are worried about the number being broken then dont, if the really bad ones are butchered then the better examples stay on the road longer and there is a better supply of parts. Because only the better examples survive those that are better than average will command a even higher price plus with a more limited supply price creeps up. Hopefully there will be a few more G60s chargers around hehe.


If you look at mk1 golfs say 10 years ago you could buy huge numbers of 1.0, 1.3, and NON GTI models with really good shells, T&T for less than £500, i had a 1.1 i paid £100 that passed a MOT striaght away. I sold it for £500 but if i had it now id ask £2000 for it, that isnt inflation that has done that, its demand!


MK2 golfs have been going up a lot recently to, in the last 3 months ive shifted a modified 2.0 16v mk2 for £3200, a 1.8 16v mk2 standard other than BBS RMs +suspension for £2350 and il be honest both cars were bought for sub £1k 6-7 years ago.


There are a few early 16v corrados knocking around for sub £1k these are the ones where people can either break them up and get maybe £1k or more in parts or spend a bit of money tidying them up and then potentially double there money in less than a few years.



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