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matt buz


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hey all

My car passed its MOT first time yesterday so I celebrated with the purchase of a Milltek full stainless exhaust system. :lol:


Has anyone else got one? What can i expect?


Watch this space for pics


Also I am looking to get my wheels refurbed. I live in the Leeds area. Does anyone know of anyone that does this?


Later all.



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I have one and they are yummy... :mrgreen:


I noticed a much smoother power delivery, it may be a bit on the noisy side for some (and for me originally, but in the end it grew on me and it's only loud if you really boot it - not when cruising on the motorway). It can turn heads though... :lol:


Never regretted getting it, but don't forget to declare it on the insurance!



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(When) I get the pennies, I'll probably go the whole hog and get the matching CAT/remap to go with it...


(since the insurance people will screw you over because Milltek claim a 10% power increase :shock:, which quite frankly is a load of old cobblers :p , but it does mean I have that window of opportunity to play with before they can stuff my premium up any more)


...oh how they laughed when I said I would keep it standard... :lol:




(In my defence I have spent so much on the car that getting more power by getting a G60/VR would be 'uneconomical' :mrgreen: - well that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it)

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(When) I get the pennies, I'll probably go the whole hog and get the matching CAT/remap to go with it...


(since the insurance people will screw you over because Milltek claim a 10% power increase :shock:, which quite frankly is a load of old cobblers :p , but it does mean I have that window of opportunity to play with before they can stuff my premium up any more)


...oh how they laughed when I said I would keep it standard... :lol:




(In my defence I have spent so much on the car that getting more power by getting a G60/VR would be 'uneconomical' :mrgreen: - well that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it)



I read on the Milltek website that there was a 10pc power increase but I didnt really pay much attention to it. I looked at the Sports Cats they do as well. Expensive but I reckon it will be worth it further down the line. At the moment I just want to stop the bloody knocking that the current one does. Oh and make mine sound like a beast as well!!! :lol:


Not looking forward to the insurance quote now!!! But its something I am prepared to live with


Bally - I was, and still am, thinking of selling it but this changes from day to day as I am a bit bonkers like that. :oops:

If the right car comes up then I may well go for it but until then I am more then happy with mine.

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Insurance shouldn't go up by any silly numbers mate, IIRC I ended up only paying about another 10-12% (you can always soak that up by increasing your voluntary excess)


It was the "Lifetime Guarantee " that sold me on one!



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Bally - I was, and still am, thinking of selling it but this changes from day to day as I am a bit bonkers like that. :oops:

If the right car comes up then I may well go for it but until then I am more then happy with mine.


8) mate... hope you find what your looking for.. hope it comes with the leather too... :wink:

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Got one myself, looks nice, that chrome oval tailpipe (Stealth as Milltek call it). Soundwise I don't hear that much on the inside, proving how nicely Rados are soundproofed on the inside, but get the window open, or better stand next to it, and whilst idling it gurgles quite nicely, perfectly matching the G60-sound :D


In a nutshell: :thumbleft:



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