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Fitting a fixed column

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So my C has the worst play in the steering column that Stealth have seen, its worse than my old valver and its time to get it sorted me thinks!


Seen the below fixed unit on ebay, is this a straight swap or am I going to have to buy a load of other items. I know there is a long long thread on fitting a Polo column but theres not much on fitting an original fixed Corrado one.


Advice please :D



http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll? ... K:MEWAX:IT

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The guy selling it is Bigpants baby on here. You might get a reply if you try PMing him, no guarantees though!

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chap, the polo column is the same as the Corrado one! same part numbers, everything.

Only reason the instructions look long is that if you buy a second hand polo column rather than a complete corrado one, you need to insert the column into the outer tube (that bit is Corraod specific), but that is a doddle.

I'd recommend taking a second hand complete corrado one to bits anyway as you should replace the ignition switch and fit your own lock anyway.

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