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Rate the last movie you watched out of 10

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'Hard candy' - 8/10

- shocking storyline and really hard hitting but done very well; good actors/'resses etc... and if you are alright with these sort of films then WELL worth a watch!


'Law-abiding citizen' - 9/10

- very, VERY clever film and one that will have you thinking and guessing throughout. Gerald butler is awesome in this and really let's you believe his character and debating whether your with/against him, highly recommend!!


Signed up to netflix so there will probably be a few more haha, Cheers!

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Watched "The International" yesterday.. had picked it up on DVD cheap and finally just got around to watching it. Pretty enjoyable, kept me hooked the whole way through and some pretty solid performances. Well worth a watch if you like a thriller!


---------- Post added at 8:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 8:21 PM ----------


  Portent said:
Also watched Senna a couple of days ago. Fantastic film if you are a petrolhead - 10/10


Agreed. Watched it at my local independent cinema not too long ago and thought it was fantastic.

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John Carter - First read the books about 50 years ago so was looking forward too this. Duly recruited grandson and friend and went to see it and was pleasantly surprised at how enjoyable it was. A bit wordy and slow in places so I would give it 70/100. What it did do was highlight how many other films are derived from this eg Avatar, Star Wars. At first I was thinking John Carter was ripping them off but soon realised it was the other way round as the books have been around since 1911

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i wached fourth kind the other night. freaky, not sure to believe it or not. seems plausable. good film tho 10/10 for creeping me out!!

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Super 8 - thought it was brilliant. I'm a little confused by some of the negative reviews of it tbh. I mean, each to their own but sometimes I think people just criticise for the sake of it. I thought the whole movie was beautifully shot and I liked the way they used relatively unknown actors. I give it 9/10.


Also recently saw Hall Pass - 5/10. It was alright to pass an hour or so on a lazy good Friday.


I've also been watching all of the Star Wars movies on bluray in order cause my girlfriend has never sat and watched the entire movies. Tomorrow night is Empire Strikes Back which always used to be my favourite so we'll see if that's still the case. Girlfriends favourite so far is Revenge of the Sith which I think is the best of the prequels.

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Got an HD TV arriving in a couple of weeks- first thing I'll be watching is the Star Wars Blu Rays! We're exactly the same- wifey likes Sith best, my fav is ESB 8)

Edited by CazzaVR

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  CazzaVR said:
God an HD TV arriving in a couple of weeks- first thing I'll be watching is the Star Wars Blu Rays! We're exactly the same- wifey likes Sith best, my fav is ESB 8)


Check out 'the Abyss' in HD, awesome!!!!

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We watched Thor last night. Considering Thor was one of my favourite Marvel characters, I was sceptical to start with. But j really enjoyed the film. 7.5/10

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  CazzaVR said:
God an HD TV arriving in a couple of weeks- first thing I'll be watching is the Star Wars Blu Rays! We're exactly the same- wifey likes Sith best, my fav is ESB 8)


Nice to see you getting with the times Andy, that B+W TV and Betamax were getting past it!!



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Watched 'Senna' last night after a friend lent me the DVD, great film and not just for the petrolheads IMHO as really showed you the guys humanity and what he did for Brazil as a person...as well as his incredible skill.

10 / 10

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  Grim1 said:
Check out 'the Abyss' in HD, awesome!!!!


Yeh, I bet! 8)


---------- Post added at 9:54 AM ---------- Previous post was at 9:54 AM ----------


He he! :lol:

  GlosterOx said:
Nice to see you getting with the times Andy, that B+W TV and Betamax were getting past it!!




Real Steel- 7/10 pleasantly surprised- good effects and decent story (a little predictable though!). Weird- I was so desperate for the robot to win all its fights as if it was real :lol: Job done from the writerdirector/producer/actors etc then!


The Lives of Others: Excellent film (borrowed from Vornwend) about the Stasi in East Berlin etc- 85/100. Makes you realise just how lucky we really are living in a properly democratic country.

Edited by CazzaVR

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Half watching 'Coming to America', whilst browsing the forum (doesn't need full attention as watched a hundred times before!!) - 9/10


Last 'new' movie watched was 'Deathproof'. Not a Tarantino classic but a decent watch and a good car movie - 7.5/10

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The Avengers Assemble 10/10, superheroes fighting aliens, and scarlett johansen in a skin tight cat suit, what more can a man ask for.


But was a really really good film, and loved the hulk in it, and he's one liners were great for example The Hulk saying to Loki after swinging him around "puny god"


just booked some more tickets to watch it on saturday morning.

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  CazzaVR said:
Got an HD TV arriving in a couple of weeks- first thing I'll be watching is the Star Wars Blu Rays! We're exactly the same- wifey likes Sith best, my fav is ESB 8)


It's the sound effects that do it for me, especially Episodes 1 -3. DTS Master Audio cranked right up. Amazing :D


HD really does highlight the MDF and bits of random plumbing they used for the props in Episodes 3-6 :lol:

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Watched 50/50 t'other night - very moving at times whilst still maintaining a comical element with regards to quite a young guy finding out he has cancer. Brilliant film I thought, 8.5/10

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Girl with the Dragon Tats


No bad, not bad at all for a Daniel Craig flick. Not what I was thinking either- 7.84 / 10

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Just found this thread watched ONG BAK with tony jaa great action movie with the sound off

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  FishWick said:
It's the sound effects that do it for me, especially Episodes 1 -3. DTS Master Audio cranked right up. Amazing :D


HD really does highlight the MDF and bits of random plumbing they used for the props in Episodes 3-6 :lol:


Watched Star Wars (IV) the other day- wow! You're not wrong though- you can see sooooo much more- even the pores in people's skin! Re: sound- think I definitely need some speakers for the complete experience. One step at a time though!


The Avengers- loved this! 84/100


The Pirates (took my 5-year-old, and he won the Best Pirate award, chosen by 3 Aardman animators!)- thoroughly enjoyed it- a few jokes for the adults, loads of fun for the kids + simply stunning animation- 75/100



On TV, we've just finished watching The Killing (original Danish version)- very, very good- 78/100

Also been watching The Office (American version), which is actually better than the original English version. So many people told me it was better, but didn't believe them. I do now! 85/100


Finally- booked my tickets for Prometheus on opening night (June 1st). Absolutely can't wait, especially after that last trailer- WOW! Better not suck! :lol:

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Despicable me 7.2/10 kids film but very enjoyable


Troll hunter 9/10 loved it, in Norwegian with English subs. Great story line, scenery is gorgeous. Loved the way they explained everything so well, kept wondering to myself at points if it was actually true lol :)


Avengers assemble 8.5/10 great fun, although a bit predictable but still a great superhero action flick

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Safe, 8/10

Typical Statham film, lots of action,

If you're a Jase fan, you won't be dissapointed

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Watched the Avengers assemble yesterday with some mates. Absolutely loved it. 9/10


Very well made, some quite funny moments, but like has been said a little predictable. Might of helped me more if I watched Thor and Captain America before hand but still wasn't difficult to get into.

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