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Alternator reconditioning?

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can all be done, both bearings, even rewinding. I'd have thought replacing the diodes on the diode plate might be tricky as they are heavy duty soldered in place, but on the bosch 65/90Amp alternators it can definitely all be done, just need to find somewhere that would do the odd one, which is why most people just go for an exchange one (70-100 quid generally)

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Well i've got a spare 65amp that came from my donor rado and the one i'm currently using is starting to make a 'whirring' noise. It still works but i was thinking about putting the other one on and reconditioning/painting/tarting up the 'whirring' one OR i could just tart up the spare then put it on...

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Can be done. I looked into it and decided that for the hassle of finding someone to do it, I could get one trade price with a 2 year warranty for not much more.

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