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8v Starts Then Cuts Out Instantly (Periodically / Random)

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My 8v is coming close to a good ass whooping!!!! Save a corrado and help me pleeeeeeease!! haha


Sometimes when I start it it revs to 1000 as normal but instead of dropping down to 750ish, it drops completely straight away and cuts out.


Few points to help you help me...


• New genuine ignition switch about 500 miles ago

• New dizzy cap, spark plugs and leads about 100 miles ago


Problem manifested albeit in a less frequent and less "forceful" way before those


• It doesn't seem to correspond to outdoor or engine temperature. Happens periodically and randomly

• Lights on dash come on as normal and go off when started as normal and are still all off when it cuts out

• I've tried turning the ignition on waiting for a few minutes then starting. Tried turning the ignition on and off a few times before starting. Doesn't help

• It fires up and dies straight away. No spluttering or wild idle, just up and straight back down. When it does eventually start however, the revs fly up to about 2000 before dropping back down to 750ish after dipping the clutch. Then runs as normal. No weird behaviour or cutting out at lights etc

• It's been doing it for 2 days in a row now but it started about 2 months ago and has happened say 6 or 7 days here and there. Once it does it it usually does it for the 2 or 3 trips I do that day then will be fine for a while.


From what I've read I'm thinking of changing...


• Temp Sender. A lot of the posts are about VR's or G60's though and as I don't have etka can anyone tell me which temp sender it is? Blue one? Do I have any others and would it be wise to change them all at the same time?

• ECU Relay


I'm also pretty sure Corrado's are not just cars but evil living creatures that detest their owners, cos it only does it in public places and the like. Petrol stations, mechanics, busy parking spaces. It loves to cause a scene!!!


Any help appreciated as always before I tear what's left of my hair out and kick seven shades of cack out of the old girl.

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Replace the coil (it's on the bulkhead at the back of the engine bay). That'll sort it.


Any VW coil will do as long as it's 12V and the plug is the same, I've found that the same unit was fitted to cars like the Mk3 Polo (any flavour, even G40's), petrol Mk3 Golfs, Mk4 Polo's etc etc.





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Sorry to jump in to this thread.


My VR6 is doing exactly the same. Did the coil sort out the problem as this will be a life saver. And I feel your pain.... petrol stations have become the stuff of nightmares to the point I have resorted to cycling there with a petrol can several times to fill it up!


Here's hoping!

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have you plugged it into vagcom?


does the fault happen all the time or is it worse when its been raining, ive notcied a few 2.0 8v have a wiring chaff down the the wiring channel beneath the battery and running bk to the bulkhead, the throttle wiring rubs through or a sharp metal edge get a light and inspect this area, also turn the wiring over! i dindnt notice the chaff until i twisted the loom over!

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Will check that wiring tonight, cheers volksworld.


I know someone who works at gsf... will the coil part from there be ok? Phoned VW and they want £100odd + VAT?!?!?!


If I'm advised against GSF part, I'll go for that link off vwspares :wink:

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Sorry! Yeah, wires were fine. Changed the ignition coil which seems to have solved the problem. :salute:

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Alex, it's worth unplugging the immobiliser module (small black plug), spraying with contact cleaner, unplugging/plugging several times. Mine was doing the same as yours and it was the immobiliser plug. Fine now.

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I take it all back, the coil pack hasn't fixed the problem... it's back!


Will try cleaning the immobilser contact and see what happens then.

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Any help appreciated as always before I tear what's left of my hair out and kick seven shades of cack out of the old girl.



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i had this same fault replace the fuel pump relay and ecu power relay faulty, you can get them from the dealer about 8 quid each. as andy says check out the immobiliser unit beneath the instrument cluster.

i have a brand new imobiliser unit if you need one, but you will need it coding to the car at a vw dealer.

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Sounds like the key read coil assembly to me, remove both the lower shelfs near the fuse tray and you will see a shiney black cable/wire coming from the area where the key goes on the steering column.


Follow this wire to the small connector plug on the end of it, remove the plug and dunk it into a small amount of WD40 sprayed into the cap. this will give it a good soaking in the stuff, then very carefully push back on and off where the connector goes and do this a few times as this will also clean up the contacts as you do so.


Then refit and see how you go! i'd leave the shelfs off for a day or so to see how it goes.


Had this on my VR years ago and this cured it totally.


Judes 8v is also doing it in the last day or so so i'll be doing it to that too.


I'd be very surprised if this isn't the problem.


Good luck. :wink:

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Cheers will try that... I don't need the car over the weekend as it's bank holiday and everyone knows they are for heavy partying! haha. Bonus cos it's my daily!


If that doesn't cure it I'll try the relays.... infact as there cheap enough I might do them anyway but in that order so I can post the results for anyone else.


Cheers all.

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Yeah, just had the relay for the ECU Re-soldered due to dry joints in it and it seems fine now fingers crossed but your definately sounds like the key read coil connections.


Let us know how it goes :)

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my 16v has just started to do the same randomly. where is the immobiliser plug ? sorry just read other posts will take a look cheers. don't think mine likes the damp. and any comments on spark plugs, mine has triple electrode ones.when i fire it up it splutters, seems to be running on 2 cylinders can pull ht leads off first two plugs and it makes no difference, pull them off the second two and engine changes it tune. is this the distributor has fairly new cap and rotor arm?

Edited by gonzo

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