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DG Autotech - VR6 Remaps now available

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After months of development and miles of testing on road and track with a select few cars we are now pleased to be able to offer our VR6 ECU remapping service. We have maps prepared for standard cars, 263 cams fitted and can customise maps for other mods if needed.





Just some of the customers comments we've received so far....


'the difference if amazing, mid range power feels totally different. You need hardly any effort with the accelerator pedal...'


'it's like having a new car. My VR now purrs along in a gear higher than before with power ready when I need it....'


'Dave suggested I run it on mine and having run it for a good 500-600 miles now loving the instant throttle response just half the gas gives a nice pull even at low speeds...'



What's involved....


The whole process takes a couple of hours to complete. We remove the ECU from the car and carefully remove the existing chip from the PCB using the latest de-soldering methods. We then fit a high quality turned pin socket, and thoroughly clean the PCB before fitting a new chip with the new software programmed onto it. The ECU is then bench tested to ensure correct operation before refitting the car. After all this we get to the best bit.... the road test, just to make sure everything is working properly.


All our software is developed using the best tools available on the market to ensure high quality throughout the entire process.


The price is £195 inc vat


Please contact us for a very competitve price at [email protected] or call 01299 253373.

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I'm not just saying this because I'm friends with Dave and Graham (and therefore obliged to big them up or anything) but I'm saying this as a satisfied customer. Dave tempted me to try one of the DG remaps on my VR and from literally the first time I drove it I noticed the difference immediately. Whilst it's going to be impossible to change all of the characteristics of the VR (it is what it is!), the remap really helped cure some of the lazyness at the lower end and make the car feel more torquey at lower revs. The car also pulls much harder all the way round the revs.


Given how much folks like Revo charge, I think the maps are really well priced and well worth a look for anyone looking for a good little upgrade without breaking the bank.

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Also have this map, and it's superb. The whole low/mid-range is so much better now- much more effortless to drive now. Brilliant price too :)

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I'm a bit of a lazy driver and like more mid range torque than screaming top end. Dave knew this and popped one of these newly mapped ECUs in for me when I went to pick up my VR6 after some suspension mods. The test drive was brilliant and so I gladly kept the new map and am honestly loving the change to the mid range. It is addictive to have a more instant throttle response between 2k and 5k revs! Great work, great service and great price.


Another very satisfied customer.

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Just a general question chaps but will this effect economy much? thought it may be usefull to know but i will still be having one when the VR love returns :|


Would like to keep my existing ECU as it is though so will speak about costs soon.

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How will this ecu work with say a stainless 6 branch and a larger throttle body , how about the gruven lightweight pulleys?? And what if you have a light weight flywheel?

do they need to be mapped to the car?? Or is it a hope and prey generic map???


I know the mods don't give an incredible amount of power etc but these have made a massive difference in throttle response and I wonderd if a map would need to accommodate this type of stuff?


Sorry I don't mean to be rude but got to say I'm a little sceptical about these maps etc ESP when you can buy the chips

From e bay for £8 and fit yourself...


8 vmatt has one fitted to his vr and it claims all the same things


If I'm on the wrong planet please bear with me as I am interested in what I can get out of what I have got so you can appreciate I need a little more info cheers

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I'd be pretty sceptical of something that costs just £8 though, i just cant see that being upto much when i think about it. The guys at DG have got to deal with the aftercare of fitting these chips should something be not quite right where as the ebay seller probably wont do anything and just tell you they have sold 27'000 of them and no one else has had a problem. :)


Also for me I wouldn't dare go near the ECU or anything like that as i'm not that mechanically minded so for me to deal with a company like DG whom i trust immensley has to be a major bonus.


They were the only ones i trusted to do my clutch/chainns/engine refurb and their attention to detail was phenomenal. i'm sure many other owners now have the same confidence in the company that i have.

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tell you they have sold 27'000 of them and no one else has had a problem. :)quote]







yes i know where your coming from but im good with the electrical component side of things and , as i just dont know enough about the remaping side of things i always wonder what has gone into it where did the maps come from etc


i have heard of mapping and live mapping and really in my head whats is better than live mapping when nearly everbody has slightly different mods how does the ecu compensate for all this??

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Haha cheers Nath :nuts: I wouldn't claim the chip thats been fitted to mine is the same as this or produces the same results. It was fitted by the previous owner and as such I've not got any experience of driving a VR on a standard ECU. I don't know if it does make a diff on mine......BUT mine does seem to drive very nicely and smoothly, pulls linear up through the revs very well with no hesitation. MPG doesn't look to have been improved over standard figures, I avg 22-25 mainly because its not a daily and normally have a spirited drive when taken out :norty:




This does sound like a good price and you'll be safe in the knowledge that the DG guys are looking after your car :notworthy:

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only going on what steve was saying when he bought it matt, a chip is a chip and cost bugger all the map costs the money ....i guess knowledge is power once again in this one!! arrrggghhhhh

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The DG map is different to all the other maps, and certainly is not the same as the Ebay ones. Had an ebay chip in my last VR, and it seemed to make the car a tiny bit quicker, but it was also lumpier than standard, and economy dropped a bit. The DG chip is totally smooth, and the boys have spent a lot of time on it, as they know the VR6's short-comings all to well. Economy hasn't changed, but then I think my blue temp sensor needs changing, so difficult to tell.


Dave showed me the 3D mapping graphs compared to loads of other maps- the attention to detail in improving over the standard is very impressive, compared with most of the other maps, which were haphazard to say the least (most just increase the fuelling throughout the rev-range, not taking into account where and how much it's really needed).

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I had an ebay jobbie in mine for a while, and i agree it did make the car feel a little more resposive and smoother through the rev range. BUT it idled a lot worse than it did before. Also it would stall frequently when you put the clutch in, say approaching traffic lights, put the clutch in, revs drop off stutters and stalls. It also gave an error code on vag com about the ecu and the fuel economy dropped too. I have gone back to the standard map and will be getting a proper one done next time.

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Mine used to stall like you describe until I started to use the posh petrol. Since then its been perfect. I should put my original chip back in and see what diff it makes.

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I bought the ebay chip for a laugh and can tell you all it changes is the full throttle maps, just a touch more timing(possibly a little too much timing) and fuel, I doubt it has even been tested on a real car.

I'm surprised to hear it affected idle as nothing was changed in the idle maps on the chip I had. What the VR really needs is the part throttle maps sorting, which I'm sure D & G will tell you is what they also modified!


And as for the ECU error codes that is simply just lazy not sorting the checksum out, obviously an amateur :lol:

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What background have you got on an £8 eBay chip? Where has that code come from?! Is it even for a 2.9 VR6 or a 2.8? What about if you have cams installed? I wouldn't touch one even if I had VR6 engines to spare!


The DG map is their own work. They know the engines inside out. They're enthusiastic guys not just out to make a quick buck. I know where I'd rather spend my money.

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It was a proper 2.9 chip, from the Czech Republic. It would be of absolutely no use for a cammed car as throughout the rev range fuel levels were simply +3, I very much doubt a modified car would have such a linear air flow improvement, hence the need for a proper remap.


PS I never actually ran the chip so never noticed the checksum error codes.

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If it's £8 then it's just going to be a copy of someone elses work. There's no way any tuner would sell remaps for that kind of money. And I personally wouldn't be happy paying money to someone else who's simply ripped off someone elses work.

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If it's £8 then it's just going to be a copy of someone elses work. There's no way any tuner would sell remaps for that kind of money. And I personally wouldn't be happy paying money to someone else who's simply ripped off someone elses work.


The chip I had, I believe someone simply tweeked the maps without even running it on a real car, the tuning was very basic to say the least. Therefore probably not a rip off of someone else work and genuinely only worth £8

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Blimey this is getting at bit carried away already :lol:


The maps are all our own work 8) I wouldn't be happy putting my name to anything else TBH. I've seen a few of the cheapy ebay maps.......all I can say is I wouldn't put them anywhere near my own car. As VR6 Joni described... most are fuel and timing +3-5%, that's all fuel and all timing.... even at idle :cuckoo: which makes for a pretty rough drive TBH. I've even seen all maps increased +5%, some of these I don't even know what they do so leave well alone! The improvements on these are mainly down to the extra timing, but I definitely wouldn't be adding timing in some of the areas the ebay chips do.....You have been warned.....


As for modification.... it really does depend on what changes you have. Call me, have a chat. Anything wild is going to need a tweek here or there and that's what we can do for you. If it's a supercharger then obviously it'll be loads different to a cam and big TB but these aren't supercharger or turbo maps. The maps are customised to suit the car, some will stand more timing, some not, it really does depend on age and condition. I would actually refuse to map a car that's loosing compression, smoking badly or generally in bad repair etc etc.


Extra power..... again depends on overall condition etc. You will notice quite a difference over stock, and anything you can notice in the bum dyno is a good increase :) Don't forget I used to design and install dyno control systems for a living until very recently, the accuracy is wildly variable from machine to machine....but don't even get me started on that one :lol:

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the accuracy is wildly variable from machine to machine....

I suppose the only real comparison you can draw, is a before and after on the same dyno, but even then, atmospheric conditions and heat soak can make a substantial difference.


After spending some time trying to calibrate, from scratch, a new diesel engine controller (at work), calibration is a very fine art and takes an awful lot of time to get right!

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