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16v died after hitting huge pudde

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On my way home last night in awful weather I hit a flooded dip and the engine cut out and it took 5 mins cranking to get going again. I guess I got a bunch of water into the electrics but the distributor is quite high up in the engine and would thought it would not have drenched that.

Anyone have any thoughts on what caused it and is there anything that can be done to reduce the risk of it happening again (I travel late each night through some very very rural area much of it without a mobile signal!)

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Same happened to me once. Water has prob gone into the airbox. Take the airbox + pipework off and make sure it's all thoroughly dry (inc the filter). Spray some WD40 around. Replace the airbox. If it's a 2.016v, unplug the sensor on the left-hand side of the metering head (as you look at it), and then start the car. If it starts, take it for a long drive. It will be horrible and slow as without the sensor in, but this is the best way to dry everything thoroughly. When you get back, simply plug it back in and hopefully, it should be OK again.

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Matey I've had the same problem, took a few days before mine drove again, get a hair dryer or hot air gun, n steadily dry away, pull your ht leads and spark plugs out carefully, take off your dizzy aswel, youed be suprised were the water gets, the tops of my suspension had puddles in, try an let it dry out best you can and don't be turning it over too much, last thing u want is water in your cylinders.

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Thanks Guys.

She started OK after 5 mins and has been running fine since!

I took out the air filter today and there was evidence of water in the air box.

While I was working on it I noticed the air feed from the rear and which should be attched to the exhaust manifold was hanging loose and pointing towards the ground. The mounting points had rusted away. I have reattched on a temp basis (the mounting bolts are rusted solid).

Could this have been a contributing factor?

20 year old cars - what are they like????

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just remove the rear airbox feed pipe, it's only for hot air from around the exhaust manifold on cold days and is operated by a themostatically controlled flap inside the airbox, if you still have the snorkel tube inside the airbox then the rear warm air pickup will be shut off 99.9% of the time anyway,

cars without the snorkel get cold air into the airbox all the time anyway and that never seems to affect them, perhaps if you did a lot of -10 deg starts in the highlands or something it might cause an issue, but not for most of us.

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