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Which breakdown service?

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As I am hoping to start using the Corrado as my daily soon, I'm looking at getting some breakdown cover. I've never had it before, and on the one or two occasions when I have needed it for other cars I have seriously regretted not having it! I've done some searching and can see a lot of you use the RAC.


I'm looking to cover both of my cars, but they are both considered 'old' now (7 and 16 years) obviously I want a good service but I don't want to pay the earth either. What do you all recommend?


There is only one requirement really (unless you think it's not worth it) which is as I am fussy about which garage the car goes to, I'd like a service where they will take your car home if you breakdown (not to the 'closest' garage)....not sure if that would be more trouble than it's worth? I just wouldn't want my car going to some cowboy garage!

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I bought some from the AA last month, as the car is old it was cheaper to cover me as an individual rather than the VR. So it recovers me no matter who or whT car I'm in and ll passengers to my chosen uk destination. On the net was approx 65?? Cheapest I found for that cover :)

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After Green Flag completely let me down on two occasions, I swapped to the RAC and having called them out 3 times in four years, each time receiving excellent service, I would never use anyone else - they are fantastic.

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You can get basic AA cover for £7 if you use http://www.topcashback.co.uk/ and £50 off some of the more expensive policies. Been using this site for ages and have saved myself a fortune. Let me know if you are interested and I'll send you a link so that you get credit for joining and I ger some cash for the referal :D.


I didn't believe it but there are no catches.

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Yeah as above we joined the AA last year and got top breakdown cover for the Missus and I for a year for £50 because of cashback through quidco. This year we've used our tesco clubcard vouchers and paid nothing for the RAC.

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Yep, was with the AA last year for £7 via Quidco then upgraded to Relay for £10 for the last 6 months.


I've now just gone with RAC for £34.50 - £23 cashback again with Quidco so paying £11.50 this year.

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I flip flop between AA and RAC but find the RAC to be better. also I seem to recall an age limit on the cars covered on the AA. I could be wrong but I went with RAC this year due to wanting to buy a corrado.

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Sorry you had a bad dealing with Green Flag conker!


I can honestly say standards here have improved massively over the last few years I've worked here (work for Green Flag if you hadn't guessed :p ).


The thing to be careful with the AA and RAC is Wheel Changes and Hitting road debris. If you carry tyre slime and you've had a blowout then you could be up shit creek in some situations and be left stuck at the nearest tyre place (which is invonvenient at the best of times, downright awkward if you have low pro tyres). Both have also been known to just simply tell you to ring your insurance if you've hit road debris and it's made the car unsafe to drive.


In both of these situations we still offer cover up to the full recovery entitlement on the policy (10, 25, 30 and National mileage depending on brand/policy)


Look at the age restrictions part of the policy very carefully if you have individual cover, sometimes there are stipulations in small print.


We allow any age of car as the main vehicle, then on personal cover it's any car up to 16/18 (depending on brand) years old. It also covers your spouse for the same cover, and it's any car you're a passenger or driver in.


I use cover with my work, but knowing the ins and outs of all the policies is a benefit I guess.


Also a little tip, if you're a caravanner, get Caravan Club/Mayday cover or ask for a GFMA policy from Green Flag directly as these policies will cover any specialist equipment (handy if you've locked the key in the car or the brakes are seized etc.) And with Mayday/Caravan Club cover if you're towing a caravan you get a whole host of extra cover and entitlements!


The RAC refused to attend one of my friends parents when she thought she locked her card key in the car. They told her to smash the window and claim on her insurance as she couldn't guarentee the key was in the car!

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I use the RAC and find them excellent. Used them for 8 years now.


Of course they all will all try to take you to the nearest garage - however - if you tell them its a specialist car that can only be worked on at ........

They will take you there. It has worked for me. I have had them recover me from home and take me to Stealth.


I have - At Home, Roadside and Recovery Cover

You can also get the Onward travel for a few pounds more.


Infact, I find as long as you are fair and reasonable, it usually brings the response you required.

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Sorry you had a bad dealing with Green Flag conker!


I can honestly say standards here have improved massively over the last few years I've worked here (work for Green Flag if you hadn't guessed :p )



It was a five or six years ago now, so hopefully they've improved.


The worst thing they let me down on was in the middle of winter during a long journey the passenger window mechanism snapped, dropping the glass into the door. Green Flag wouldn't come out and help, saying that the car "wasn't technically broken down" (it was sub zero temp's before a 70mph wind chill :gag: ).


My passenger had RAC cover and they were there in 20 minutes and got the window up in ten. My mum, (also in the car at the time) was so embarrassed/angry that she rang up Green Flag there and then and cancelled all our policies (it was a family cover type thing).

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One thing you may want to consider is that the AA do a parts and labour cover where they pay £475 (£500 -25 excess) towards parts and labour if the vehicle breaks down because of it. I know someone who had a starter motor go on a Mondeo TDCI and inturn it damaged the Dual Mass Flywheel which they agreed to pay out on.

Its definately worth considering, IIRC it would cost £130 or 12 per month Direct Debit.

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Had to call out work (Green flag) twice, once for loosing gears, once for a huge misfire.


Both times out in around 15 - 20 minutes which was good... shame the car has set me back around 1400 this month!

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I'm with the AA (through my bank) - only had to call them out once when I drove through some deep water and the car went a bit haywire and wouldn't run :(


The guy came out pretty quickly and did spend a good hour trying to get it going again in the freezing cold.. but finally gave in and towed me home. Seemed a nice guy even if his opening comment to me when he got out of his van was "Doesn't look like a speedboat to me mate" - no sh!t sherlock!

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I went with the RAC in the end, through Quidco. Paid £35 for a year roadside but for me rather than a specific car so I can use it for any car I'm in, and I get £23 minus £5 Quidco fees back once the RAC pay Quidco the referral fee which I think takes a couple of months.

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