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1.8t agu boost issues new info added, still not sorted :(

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You can fit the forge the wrong way. The way the original is piped you pipe the forge the opposite way. Not saying it's the cause of problems like.


It will def not hold that boost I doubt all the way and turbos don't def achieve the same boost at the same rpm all the time in each gear. All depends how it's driven, how quick you rev it and how small large the turbo is.


Still not saying it's alright like, just your expectations are a little high.

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Sorry this wont really help you but my car with a k03 s spikes at 22 and drops down and settles at about 13psi. Cars not hitting limp mode or anything is it? A constant 20 psi seems like a big ask 15 seems nearer the mark for a small turbo like that?



i would expect about 18 constant really and 22 spike from what ive seem on the net, its got me sick now... it should deliver same boost- every gear period and not being bollox on fuel like it is aswell, im getting 45 mile to a tenner

You're not going to see more than 15psi beyond about 5000rpm. I get a peak of 24psi.

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At best driving like miss daisy your prob gonna see 30mpg as well so giving it some it's more like 15-20mpg.


£10 of fuel ain't really alot nowadays is it let's be honest.

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Oh and cos it's a large port head it's going to take more filling with air ain't it so that may lower boost pressure seen maybe. Still flowing the same amount of air just looks less

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Like junkie says, a tenner isn't much fuel. At Norwich prices that's about 1.75 gallons, or about 26mpg if you're getting 45 miles from it. I average 27mpg in a Leon making 240bhp ish on a K03S.


It doesn't sound like you're a million miles away.


Has the car been on a dyno yet?

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its never goes over 15psi at any pipe, backfires in traffic and today after driving it briskly i managed about 25mile to a tenner, if that and i only opened it up once.


i was under the impression it would at least peak at over 20 then drop down, but this never goes over 15 it seems except that one time up hill under load when it did it,and is nailing fuel like crazy. I was expecting about 50 mile to a tenner if i drove nice?

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and had the car out tonite for a proper test drive and it either boosts right up to 22psi drops a little off and then all of a sudden hesitates (coughs) and drops down to 5psi and goes flat and wont boost any higher regardless of revs(if you back off and re-apply throttle it wil pick up again sometimes to boost right).


or instead just boosts 15 psi all the time and drops down to 10 when kept floured .


any ideas as i was intermitantly boosting on and off tonite when flooring it on a private road. And after letting it run standing for a while it was just doing 15psi peak and dropping to 9 or 10 if for example i set it away in 3rd.

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