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big ben

bloody cars! my VR sounds crap when cold, help!

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my VR is sounding like crap when cold!


its ticking like crazy until it warms up and then its fine. Runs perfect but sounds like a train :lol: any ideas why??



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is this after leaving it for a day or so? The hydraulic circuit usually takes a bit of time to refill with oil. There is a small valve in teh engine block which is supposed to keep the oil in the circuit and prevent it flowing back, but its not a total seal. Just make sure you dont rev it hard to quieten it down. I find that mine can take up over a minute if its been standing for several days.

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Mine sounds utterly terrible from cold as well with a knocking / tapping. Takes a good few minutes before it quietens down TBH and can notice it for the first few mins of driving (where I really try and keep the revs RIGHT down).

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very annoying, and like you say, give it some revs and its fine but its cold so i dont... its actually embarassing starting it up, sounds awful :lol:


and it does it in the morning and afternoon, whenever the engine is cold! notice it more at min because my dash is out so no music

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It could be worn tappets - they would really clatter for the first one or two seconds after an overnight stop.


It might be a touch of piston slap. That usually goes away quite quickly too, once the pistons have warmed up a bit.


Maybe it's the oil pump; when the oil is thick and cold it has to work hard. Once the oil has got warmer and thinner, it quietens down


I assume that it's not timing chains/guides/tensioners - that won't go away when the engine warms up.


Best wishes



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i have had the chains and everything replaced about 1500 miles ago so not that.


And this morning it was fine??

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You need be more specific. 'Ticking' when cold is open to interpretation and can be anything from empty tappets, blowing exhaust gasket to piston slap etc etc.


Have you actually lifted the bonnet when it's doing it and tried to pinpoint where the noise is coming from? Usually the first step :D

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nope i havent yet kev :lol:


will get someone to giv it a rev later when its cold to see if i can pinpoint it as you say, it sounds like tappets to me :?

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Could be tappets but also look for traces of carbon build up around the turbo and manifold aswell because exhaust leaks sound like ticking tappets too, which quieten down as the fanimold heats up and expands to close the gap.


You will also smell exhaust inside the car if the blower is on.


Stick a pole on the side of the block and stick your ear on the end, which makes piston slap easier to isolater from other noises....

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cheers kev, good advice as usual :salute:


no smells in the car at the minute, but will check that out for sure

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Most abv's i've come across seem to suffer from piston slap when cold. On my old block it used to make the car sound crap until warmed up

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They all do it.... my 50+K old AAA with forged pistons has started doing it too. I estimate it has about 30-40K left before it starts burning oil then, hurrah, it's 24V T time.....if I'm not completely bored with the car by then. :D

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i have been thinking about my next engine recently :lol:


would like a R32 engine still, if it was possible to make it smooth around town

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