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How does your VR start?

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This is something I've only thought about since i switched to gas.


The car always always starts on petrol, but when the engine is warm, the car will almost immediately switch to gas.


I've noticed that when I start ( warm or cold), the car will rev to 1500, hold it for about 1/2 a second then drop down to just under 1k before quickly settling to about 700rpm. The whole thing takes about 4 seconds, and i've decided to set the gas to wait 5 seconds before switching ( just so make sure everything is settled).


However it has made me think - is this normal? The car has admittedly done it since i got it 4 years ago and there seem to be no ill effects, but would like to know if all VR's are like that on start up?!


Although this is my 4th VR, i simply can't remember if the others did it or not!


Cheers, M

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Mine fires straight up to around 1.5-2k. Then settles to 800-1k for about 5 seconds. Then fluctuates around 650-750 for a further 20 secs before finally settling on idle.

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Yeah they do start with a wide open idle valve to get some air through it, then it drops down. Nearly all petrol injected VWs that I've owned / heard are the same. R32s have an almight Bwaaaaaarp when they start up, then hover around 1200 - 1000rpm for about 10-15 seconds, depending on water temp, then they reduce to 680rpm fairly quickly.


With the VR6, it's when they stay at 1500rpm that you have a problem :wink:

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Thanks both. Good to know that.


It's because I've done most of the things i need to do, I'm just finding things for the sake of it i think!


I'd love new engine mounts (or front at least), but can't justify the cost - silly prices :(

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If a VR6 starts, runs and doesn't make any strange noises, consider yourself lucky and leave it at that :D


A Vibratechnics front mount makes a better investment than a new VAG one. It lasts longer and also holds the engine still through the corners.


Nothing about VR6 ownership is cheap, but as with other major expenses in one's life, such as your home for example, if you skip the maintenance or get the cowboys in, you'll just regret it and then resent the car for running / driving badly.

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Funny enough I did this yesterday as part of the service record VCDS log file.


Cold start....


Corrado VR6 Warm-up 141110.jpg[/attachment:2nkogxxc]


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Mine starts up at around 1400rpm, but settles to 1,100 within a second and then after around 2s idles steadily at around 850-950 rpm. She's a good girl :luvlove:

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It's Not good that mine will start and hit about 1200/1300 then it will just drop and drop then cut out, she's a bit of a dog from cold, but once warm idles bang on and always starts first time an idles lovely after coming back to it after a drive.


On first start up tho I'll give it a bit of gas and if I hold my foot it in one place it has surges like I'm blipping the throttle and doesn't respond very accurately to the throttle, So I usually hVe to give it a good blip to about 2500/3k to almost wake it up like after a long sleep? But she's pulls great when warmed up? Tired engine maybe? My old G60 never once fAiled to start or idle. Was a great engine :)

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