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Now how did Volkswagen end up here?

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VW haven't been highly regarded for years. In fact if it wasn't for the MK5 Golf GTI, I'm not sure it's reputation would have ever recovered.


Those silly opinion polls I would take with a pinch anyway.


VW really did shoot themselves in the foot with the 80s ad campaigns because people will forever hold them to their slogan - "If only everything in life was reliable as a Volkswagen".


They are nothing more than 'average' cars these days imo.


And Skoda are top because they are cheap and people know they are rebadged VAGs.

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I still think Skoda are the "thinking mans" VW's.. you get all the same kit, far better service from the dealerships and you pay less. Who gives a crap about prestige and image.. all the people who scoff at them, and still think they're wheelbarrows powered by czechoslovakian lawnmower engines are only proving that they don't know what they're talking about.

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I think it's mainly the dealer experience they are feeding back on and the people I know with Skodas can't commend their dealers enough.


I think most of us have been into an Audi / VW dealer and been looked down upon like we were something they stepped in. Thankfully I get on with parts guys around my way, but the showroom staff are a bit aloof and have little time for you.


One thing I would say with the Skodas is you know you are in one compared to VW/Audi. But the same can be said of VW compared to Audi. All the same cars underneath, but different qualities of interior.

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The biggest problem with Skoda is not the badge but the fact that many of the family owned dealerships who supported the brand back in the dark days and really looked after their customers are slowly being kicked into touch and their market areas being given to big groups who by and large don't care about customer service to the same degree.

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I think there's also the expectation gap. People are seduced by the slick VW ads and hence expect more from the car or dealership than what turns out in reality. The best analogy I can give is with Trip Advisor where some really expensive 5 star hotel gets a slating for poor room service (my champagne breakfast arrived 5 mins late) whilst some cr@ppy B&B gets the best marks ever as some poor bugger's turned up in the middle of nowhere, gone to the local tourism office and been amazed to be directed to a place which has a room with clean sheets and hot water available.

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What a ridiculous survey,.................."I don't believe it!" Alfa in the top 10 HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Some way above VW, Hmmm I smell Bullsch1tt.

Its all about fullfilling owner's expectations.......or not! If I had an Alfa and it didn't go wrong/fall apart every time I drove it I'd probably give it 5 stars. However if I had a new VW and it went wrong twice a year I'd probably slate it. Utterly Pointless.

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Yeah, definitely all about expectation. You look at the list of 'bests', and nearly all are in the bottom 10! Haha

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I still think Skoda are the "thinking mans" VW's.. you get all the same kit, far better service from the dealerships and you pay less. Who gives a crap about prestige and image when you have a 20vt Octavia running 2bar and you leave your house sideways each morning


Fixed :grin:

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I still think Skoda are the "thinking mans" VW's.. you get all the same kit, far better service from the dealerships and you pay less. Who gives a crap about prestige and image when you have a 20vt Octavia running 2bar and you leave your house sideways each morning


Fixed :grin:


pmsl :lol:

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Apart from Skoda, there are more puzzling inconsistencies in that survey than I have ever seen in one before.

What does it all mean?

"Don't rely on 'em anymore" it shouts to me.

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I miss my Octy vRS, was a quality , well built car. I agree the interior wasn't up to Audi standards, but it was nice enough and didn't rattle at all and felt solid enough. I only had it for 15 months from new but needless to say nothing ever went wrong, same can't be said for the Audi I just got shot of...


I've not bothered clicking on the link - it contains the word 'yahoo' and I gave up reading their garbage a while ago now. Their pieces on cars are usually woeful.


I had a couple of days off this week and went for a shufty around the VW dealership here, (sales staff are great btw) anyway I pop in every now and then as I want to test drive the R-Line 'rocco, was told this time they don't think it's coming to the middle east, but I sat in a very, very sexy one they had stuck all the bits to, the interior was stunning. I then walked over and jumped in a pre owned one - the dash looked all shiny and cheap, the seats looked worn to hell, and it only had 16k kms on it.. :gag:

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I can vouge for Skodas, i recently bought a Octavia vRS and the car hasn't put a foot wrong yet in the time i have had it, i have been very impressed with it, it dosn't have the same character as a Corrado, but its a strong realiable car, as for the dealers anytime i have gone in and inquired about anything they have been very friendly and always willing to help, still think VW should be in the top 10 at least though, but these surveys are utter bulls#@t though

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