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WHP to Engine Hp conversion

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I've looking into this online, and the general formula seems to be for FWD WHP/0.85. I'm wondering what people's opinions/experiences are with the VR6 Corrado specfically.


My WHP was 165 so using this formula,that would give me 195bhp. This seems slightly optimistic in my view as a) it's a virtually stock engine and b) it doesn't feel like it's got 194bhp!


Is there another figure that experience has shown/proved is nearer the Rado/reflects the power loss?


Thanks, J

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sounds about right, but of course one rolling road to another will vary, and lots of other factors too.

I've seen standard VR6's from about 140 to 160 or so peak wheel hp, what would probably be a better guide to engine health is comparing the full torque plot with other similar cars, preferably from the same rolling road. I'd ignore calculations like 15% drivetrain losses or coastdown losses measured on a rolling road they are pretty meaningless.

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In the January 08 Stealth Dyno day, mine made 392hp at the crank and 350whp.


350 / 0.85 = 411hp, but I suppose it's better to over compensate than under.


Best thing to do is just take the actual reading the dyno measures, which is whp :D Well, it's actually KW + the equation to convert to HP.


Crank hp is too open to fudgery imo.


Hah! VR6s never did feel like they had 190hp, but they certainly do have it. And more in some cases. If it's feeling especially sluggish, could be the cam sensor but you certainly wouldn't make 165hp if you had a dead one of those.


I think you have just entered into the "I've had my VR6 for a while now and it's feeling slow" phase :D The next phase will be performance mods!


Everyone initially buys the VR thinking it's all the grunt they will ever need, but due to silly gearing and a lack of low down torque, many people are left wanting more. Come and talk to uncle wire about turbos ;)

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Everyone initially buys the VR thinking it's all the grunt they will ever need, but due to silly gearing and a lack of low down torque, many people are left wanting more. Come and talk to uncle wire about turbos ;)


The forum turbo pimp hard at work! :shades:

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Hah! VR6s never did feel like they had 190hp, but they certainly do have it. And more in some cases. If it's feeling especially sluggish, could be the cam sensor but you certainly wouldn't make 165hp if you had a dead one of those.


I think you have just entered into the "I've had my VR6 for a while now and it's feeling slow" phase :D The next phase will be performance mods!


Everyone initially buys the VR thinking it's all the grunt they will ever need, but due to silly gearing and a lack of low down torque, many people are left wanting more. Come and talk to uncle wire about turbos ;)



You made me chuckle Kev, you've worded perfectly how i've been feeling these last few months! Cams, VGI, turbo, super....all thoughts goin round. Cams are likely to be my first port as whatever i do needs to be non time consuming as it's my daily :-)


will just keep thinking for now, sadly turbo is just too costly....so i tell myself. Just imagine the other halfs reaction - you spent 4k on that pipe and it still makes a whoosing noise? Lol :-)

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You made me chuckle Kev, you've worded perfectly how i've been feeling these last few months! Cams, VGI, turbo, super....all thoughts goin round. Cams are likely to be my first port as whatever i do needs to be non time consuming as it's my daily :-)


will just keep thinking for now, sadly turbo is just too costly....so i tell myself. Just imagine the other halfs reaction - you spent 4k on that pipe and it still makes a whoosing noise? Lol :-)


Daily? Pah! You don't escape Turboland that easily! Mine's been a daily for 8 years now and I somehow found the time to mod it and still have it ready for work each day :D You just need to make sure you have all the tools and parts to hand and get an early start on Saturday morning / Friday night!


Obviously big jobs I saved for when I had some annual leave but it's worked out OK for me in the end :D


I would seriously consider saving up for Stealth's turbo kit. Cams, Schricks etc will amuse you in the short term, but you get used to those and want more still. Take it from someone who's done all that and wished he'd done a turbo from the start ;)


Save your cash for the big guns and skip the peacemeal stuff is my advice, but it's up to you obviously. It's good fun exploring the VR's potential, but forced induction is the only thing that will make you giggle child every time you press the throttle!

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I don't need this type of pressure you know...:p


I've started trawling the threads on the turbo route. I like the look of the kit from Stealth, but would prefer the challenge of fitting myself, not just on (possible) cost grounds, but because I'd get much more satisfaction doing it myself and would learn things i don't know just now - wouldn't really get that from a fully fitted. I wonder if they've gotten anywhere with a DIY kit.


If the standard ECU is retained with a stock manifold, would i be able to retain my LPG kit? I know it's possible to run LPG with turbo's and when i got mine fitted, there was an extra charge, so assuming it should be possible with bigger injectors/reducer and some other tweaking. Would be shame to waste the fitted kit, and I really would want to keep it as having a turbo would only add to my 20k a year mileage!


Kev might send you a pm at some point once I've gathered my thoughts and researched more if that's ok?


Cheers, J

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I don't see why the you'd need to change anything to run the LPG? Just a map that worked with the fuel type should be fine... But you know, you don't get as big a kick from LPG :tongue:

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I don't need this type of pressure you know...:p


I've started trawling the threads on the turbo route. I like the look of the kit from Stealth, but would prefer the challenge of fitting myself, not just on (possible) cost grounds, but because I'd get much more satisfaction doing it myself and would learn things i don't know just now - wouldn't really get that from a fully fitted. I wonder if they've gotten anywhere with a DIY kit.


If the standard ECU is retained with a stock manifold, would i be able to retain my LPG kit? I know it's possible to run LPG with turbo's and when i got mine fitted, there was an extra charge, so assuming it should be possible with bigger injectors/reducer and some other tweaking. Would be shame to waste the fitted kit, and I really would want to keep it as having a turbo would only add to my 20k a year mileage!


Kev might send you a pm at some point once I've gathered my thoughts and researched more if that's ok?


Cheers, J


:lol: I really am a terrible influence, sorry!


I can totally understand wanting to do it yourself and if you've got the space and tools etc, I'd actively encourage it. Like you say, it's nice to know how it all goes together and what makes it tick etc. It makes troubleshooting so much easier!

I'm not sure when Stealth will be releasing their turbo kit in DIY form, but it is coming.


I know nothing about LPG I'm afraid so I can't answer that. VR6Joni is your man for LPG + forced induction side of things :D


Yeah feel free to PM me if you have any queries. I'm not expecting you to read every page of Forced Induction VR6 thread!

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