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mr lobitos

starting trouble

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probelms again,car turning over but won't start,happened about a week ok,turned key around and waggled in barrel ,started ok been fine for last week but today will not have it.could it be ignition switch or transponder (think thats right)in the key has been suggested,haven't got a spare key to try,HELP

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same probelms again today,just turning over not firing,have now changed ignition switch,coilpack,two relays,got a new key,don't know if this has any revelance but last three times car has been parked on slight incline or with one wheel on kerb (might be just wishful thinking)when parked on flat outside house or work starts fine any ideas?

Edited by mr lobitos

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Have you looked to see what charge the battery has under load? My friends g60 did this and his alternator and battery needed replacing.

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