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Quick Mocal question

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I've got a Mocal cooler with thermo plate fitted at the moment, and the way the pipes are routed is pressing on the crackipe causing a small coolant leak. I've got th front end in the air at the moment so I'm going to try and cure it.


I just need to move the sandwich plate through 180degrees. Is it ok for me to remove the sandwich plate without draining all the oil out of the block first? I assume most of the oil will be in the sump by now anyhow?

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in a word: yes. you'll lose a small amount from the cetre bolt, just keep a small bowl nearby to collect.

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agreed will only be a small amount I had to take mine off again after the oil was filled and lost a very minor amount

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Hi soz to high jack this tread but looking for help with fitting mocal sandwich plate to my g60, I'm removing standard cooler and have read need a shorted center tread pipe seen somewhere that a mk2 golf one works but carnt find one anywhere.

Does anyone no where can buy one or if not was thinking cutting original one down and lengthening the tread so does any one the length I would need cut it down to??


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