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luke w

MPG figures for a KR 16v

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On a recent run I decided to work out the true MPG the rado was doing rather than going by the unreliable MFA.


The figures were as follows. 213.5 miles. 24.03 litres. Converting the litres to gallons it works out as 5.286, which gives 40.4 MPG! I was surprised it was that high, I was assuming it would be high 20s. The MFA was reading 31.3.


Just to check my figures, I've used the UK measure for gallons. What does the industry normally use?

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good question!


I imagine they use the US gallon tbh...

1 US gallon = 0.83267384 Imperial gallons

therfore more like 6.348 Gallons and 33.63 MPG


That would make more sense and also reflect your actual MFA readings...



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these are the VW handbook figures, urban mpg is dreadful on all but the 2L 8v and will be worse from cold or in colder weather, this is imperial/UK mpg BTW[TABLE]



[TD=width: 84][/TD]

[TD=width: 84]90kmh[/TD]

[TD=width: 84]120kmh[/TD]

[TD=width: 84]urban l/100km[/TD]

[TD=width: 84][/TD]

[TD=width: 84]mpg 56mph[/TD]

[TD=width: 84]mpg 75mph[/TD]

[TD=width: 84]urban mpg[/TD]




[TD]2.0 8v[/TD]











[TD]1.8 16v[/TD]











[TD]2.0 16v[/TD]























































[TD]1994 urban figures use a different calculation method[/TD]










Edited by davidwort

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I've just noticed the 1994 details have the G60 listed :scratch: I guess the info was published in 1992/3 at the facelift and stayed in print until the end of production.

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I've just noticed the 1994 details have the G60 listed :scratch: I guess the info was published in 1992/3 at the facelift and stayed in print until the end of production.


You have to consider that the numbers provided are in VW speak and they probably relate to model year not actual years.


Kip never read the instruction manual that comes with the car then :p ?


Best I ever managed from my 16v was 45mpg, or 10 miles to the litre, confirmed when I filled it up at the petrol station.

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