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Heater Matrix - Where from?

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Can any one recommend a heater matrix for my '91 G60 please?


VW want £153.98, TPS want £118.05 But I can get one from ECP for £15 :lol:


Are the pattern parts that different from the OE ones? or is it worth shelling out? I don't want to be doing this job again.


Also, can any one confirm if they are the same as Mk2/MK3 golf ones?



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I thought the Valeo one from GSF was the same OE VW parts manufacturer at a significant saving costing c £40

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VW - not worth taking any chances with a part like this!


I thought you'd say that :eek:


Are Mk2/3 Golfs the same? I'm sure they are cheaper for some reason.

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I thought the Valeo one from GSF was the same OE VW parts manufacturer at a significant saving costing c £40


Yeah - same make but part quality is significantly different although the Valeo boxed ones look ok... The Febi boxed ones are also a Valeo part but these are really dodgy looking!


The part is actually a MK4 / TT item now which you need if not running the recall / bypass valves

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If these didn't blow up in your face and cover folk in scorching coolant then I would disagree with Supercharged... Unfortunately they do. Not worth the risk to your personal safety to save a few buck in this case. Tis a shame as that price is ridiculous!

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So why do these things blow up then? What's the reason behind it?

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So why do these things blow up then? What's the reason behind it?


they just get old and corrode... The vag ones are well made though so they last longer. They are essentially small radiators but they sit in the cabin with you so if they spring a leak (especially when the engine is running and the water temp/pressure is high) they can dump a load of hot water on your feet. and even if you don't have a big leak, they can form loads of steam and steam up your windscreen almost instantly... making it impossible to see out!! Can be quite doddgy on the motorway! :pale:

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The plastic end cans used to fracture or blow off. Helped along by air locks / overheating I suspect. The revised part is a lot beefier where it matters. An enclosed radiator should be full ally imo, but that would double the cost. Maybe if we were to approach Mocal or setrab?


I fitted a Valeo one from GSF 5 or so years ago and it's been fine. Stealth Racing recommended it and said they've never had any issues with it.


It's worth noting the Genuine matrix doesn't come with a foam gasket but the GSF part does.

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£120 from VW for a genuine one.

£40 for a Valeo OE spec part from GSF


The Valeo one is built to the standard of the reinforced VW matrix, and is much stronger than the original which was infamous for exploding in the MK2.

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Well I know the reason they failed in the MK2.. Didn't they have like twists in the channels to slow the water flow to aid heat transfer? These got blocked easy and POP!


I think I'll go Valeo route and save the cash for getting my car on the road.. Stupid cylinder head.

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Gotta say, when I bought a Valeo one from GSF, I compared it to the original, and I couldn't tell much of a difference, apart from the new one looked a little more robust.

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Fitted a genuine vw mk4 golf matrix to my car. The car has no recall/bypass valve. I had to modify the part where the hoses fit on, no problems so far.

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