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Urgent!!!! Rear carrier slider pin VR6

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Hi all,


Noticed a horrible griding noise from the rear of my car, so today i took the caliper and pads off to investigate - thought it was just the pad scuffing the disc as thats what it sounded like. Found that one pan (inner) was totally worn down, the other still had meat on it. Found the cause - the upper carrier slider pin was corroded and is completely stuck. Ive managed to put it all back together, but the slider pin is slightly bent.


Can anyone tell me if there is anywhere open tomorrow that i can get a new slider pin from. I dont understand why places like GSF or ECP arent open on a saturday.


EDIT - are the pins available seperate from the carrier?


---------- Post added at 08:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:28 PM ----------


Can anyone tell me if any mk3 golf carrier will fit a VR C?

Edited by Critical_Mass

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Cheers Steve, is that ANY mk3? yeah i saw that link you posted in a thread i saw in the search, but could do with getting it tomorrow. I'll see if any scrappers have got a Mk3 in and if so go an remove the carrier from it. Failing that i'll get one from vwspares?


Am i right in thinking they're £80 from VW?

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Yeah I paid around £100 the pair from VW before VWSpares did them :-(


Any MK3 with Discs and I think you can even swap sides by just swapping the pins - you should find a decent on in a scrap yard I would think!

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Cheers dude. I'll get ringing around tomorrow, fingers crossed they have the appropriate mk3 in. Which mk3s came with discs at the back, obv the VR6 and the GTi. What other models?


Are Passat rear brakes the same?

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I might have a pair of rear carriers, I'd have to check tomorrow. Are you going to Tatton Park tomorrow?

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I could post them on Monday or give them to someone tomorrow to pass onto you?

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I dont know who's going to Tatton that are from/near leeds. If i cant get hold of one tomorrow i may take you up on that offer. Need the car for work, so want it back on the road for monday. But its not looking too promising. The rear brake is squeaking all the time now and smokes, so cant drive it at the mo.


How much would you be wanting for the carriers? I trust they include the slider pins? Saying that i can get a new one delivered in 2 days.

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Gaz? Could you disassemble and refurb the carrier, or is the boot mullered? Perhaps in the interim, if you clenaed and relubed it it might be okay for a few days? Just a thought to keep the car running. With the pin, is it possible to straighten it with a hammer on a solid base?

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Hi Hasan.


The reason for me wanting a new carrier is, if i either cant get the pin to move or it breaks inside the carrier with me wanting trying to get it shifting, then a new carrier is need anyway. From what ive read the pins arent seperate anyway, so either way a new carier will be needed. Yeah the boot looks fooked too, which is prob the reason its got stuck.


Today im going to get a G clamp onto it to try push it in after squirting plenty of WD40 in there. I didnt realise the pin would be so easy to bend, i did hit it with a hammer, but not that hard in an attempt to shock it loose. But no luck.


No scrappers are open today either by the look of it, so prob will order one from vwspares.

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Clamp the pin in a vice and tap the carrier lightly with a hammer and rotate with the carrier side to side a little at a time to get it moving. They're easy enough to straighten and emery cloth up until you get a replacement.

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Well that couldnt have gone any worse. Sprayed the pin with some penetration fluid and left for a while. I then stuck a socket on the end and tried to turn it slowly to release it. It did start to turn. But i ended up taking the head off the pin, so it must be well and truely corroded in there. I thought that may happen. So i was just going to take the carrier off as, bottom allen nut came off no problem. The top one will NOT bunch, i cannot even get it off with the irwins because it wont grip the allen nut. ive tried to wiggle the bottom of the carrier to help release the upper carrier bolt.


Bummer. A bit pished off to be honest. Need the car for work, looks like its a bus job for me... oh joy.

Edited by Critical_Mass

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Well finally got the little B*%!&(*D out eventually. WHY OH WHY OH WHY do VW use the awful bolts - i HATE them! Ended up hitting the lower end of the carrier with hammer so that it pivotted up and down. Eventually this loosened the rust and crap and also the bolt enough to get the allen key to turn it.


Ordered a carrier from vwspares (thanks Steve), Going to replace the pads discs and bearings. Even though ive just done the NS rear bearing, but changing the disc means getting the race out of the old one isnt really worth the hassle.

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Are you sorted now? I've only just seen your PM from the 8th

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Yeah mate, thanks though.


Well managed to get it all back together. Though had an issue with the side that started all this off in the first place. The passenger side was easy, i put the new pads on the carrier and then put the caliper over it no problem. However the other side there was issues, which had a replacement caliper a number of years ago and is different from the other side, the handbrake mechanism is in a different position. AGain i put the pads on first but the caliper would not fit over the top, i ensured the the piston was all the way back and it was. BUt it would no go over the disc and pads which were millimetres too wide for the caliper. I ended up having to file some of the pad backing down as well as some of the caliper and even some of the pads.


Anyone advise what could have been wrong. Never had this issue before, but then ive only ever had to change the pads and discs once before since owning. I can only think that the different caliper was the issue.


If people could maybe give me any ideas?


EDIT - Thinking about it the passenger side felt a little loose despite how tight i did the caliper bolts up. Could it be the pads (pagid) have a thicker and a thinner pads?? (never had this before) The pads dont need to be on specific sides do they ie a thinner and thicker pad per side? THey're all teh same thickness arent htey



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---------- Post added at 10:21 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:50 AM ----------


Right just discovered the problem. My mate who works at ECP got me the parts. But their site shows 2 types of rear pagid pads, 15.2mm thickness and 17.2 (which for some reason is with wear indicator) and even the ETOS system they use shows the 17.2mm pads being correct. THey're clearly too thick, so dont know why they're listed for the Corrado.


Oddly one side did fit but the other side didnt. THats the odd thing about all this. THe only difference from one side to the the other is the caliper, but its the correct caliper and fitted with the old pads and discs i fitted last.


I might add that the thicker pads are for my VIN, the thinner for earlier VIN. But would this matter as all rear calipers are the same on all models arent they? Im confused because the thicker pads do fit on one side but not the other - which is the side with the different manufacturer caliper on. Why would the caliper dimensions differ?

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Well according to the ECP site the 17mm pads are correct, my mechnic checked this mornign too and said the 5 stud cars had 17mm. Could it be originally i needed 17mm, hence they fit fine on teh passenger side. But as ive got a mismatch in caliper, im needing th 15mm pads for them.


Really odd scenario. Gonna fit 15mm for now. But am going to try pushing the piston back more, though im near 100% sure its all the way back.


Steve - does that mean the dimensions of the girling calipers differ to the original Lucas ones? this issue would suggest that. Have to measure them and see i guess.

Edited by Critical_Mass

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