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Scottish Corrado meet - Sun shone!

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I will make it next time round defo.

Paintshop phoned today trying to take Corrado a week early!!!!

Next week is soon enough once I`ve got my last few jobs done before then:thumbleft:

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I'll be nudging 190k on Sunday, maybe i'll be the grandad...lol


Alex - I'm sure I've got a chin spoiler kicking around that I might never need. It's not mint, so you can have it if I can find it. Let me know if you can make it Sunday, even if not in Rado or with a lift and i'll try remember bring it (I have a memory like a sieve!)


Don't think any Aberdeen guys can make it, coullstar has some stuff on, but said he'll see how it pans out.


Fingers crossed it's not too wet. The Red Lion gets good reviews, so maybe a wee bite to eat could be in order :)

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See you all at 1pm Doue Castle :)


Looking out the window, the sun is shining, so fingers crossed!


Will PM moby to those coming.

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Sorry guys, I'll not make this today, we are in the middle of refurbing our house, thought I might of sneaked away for a while, but just to much to do :bonk:

Hopefully another meet soon that I'll get to.



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Alex - I'm sure I've got a chin spoiler kicking around that I might never need. It's not mint, so you can have it if I can find it. Let me know if you can make it Sunday, even if not in Rado or with a lift and i'll try remember bring it (I have a memory like a sieve!)

Thanks dude but I've got another one lined up already :) should be fine. hope everyone going has a fab time :)




Sent from my iPhone you lemon!

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Well, the weather held out and (I hope) a good time was had by all :)


Hero of the Day had to be Elliott for nursing his poorly 16v to the meet, and thanks also to Elliott for giving us all a scan with VAGCOM.


Diddy of the Day was the tourist who said as , dalhalvaig pulled up, commented 'look, there's another Capri'. Hmm... he was followed closely by the nice National Trust guy who was taking pics of the cars and said he liked the Scirocco's...we kindly educated him!


Gooseberry of the Day was Dave/Div (Elliott?!) who joined us with his lovely Scirocco, but was very welcome nonetheless.



Lunch at the Red Lion was excellent. There def seems plenty of interest in another meet, and Mr Alex_G60_Fantastic has agreed kindly to look at this :) Don't see it being an issue getting well into double figures if the dates suit. Alex - there was chat that you must bring some Dundee cake for us all tho...



Couple of pics...







Yours truly in red...











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Some nice pictures there, glad i could help but sorry we were late.

Look forward to the next meet... hopefully next time i'll not need pushed :D

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I agree with the above, had a great day, looking forward to the next one :) ...............and the Dundee Cake ;)

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Great to meet up


Great to see the other cars


Hope everyone else's home DIY/vehicle strip downs/vehicle rebuilds went well...see you next time


Just thinking of keeping the castles theme and thought Scone Palace could be central for Glasgow, Edinburgh, Fife, Inverness, Lossiemouth and Aberdeen - 9th of October the RACMSA Rally of Scotland is in the grounds. Anyone fancy that for the next date?



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Sorry I missed it, at least you got the weather. It ****ed down in Aberdeen pretty much all day. I like the sound of that but I think I might have racing on that day.

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Well, the weather held out and (I hope) a good time was had by all :)


Hero of the Day had to be Elliott for nursing his poorly 16v to the meet, and thanks also to Elliott for giving us all a scan with VAGCOM.


Diddy of the Day was the tourist who said as , dalhalvaig pulled up, commented 'look, there's another Capri'. Hmm... he was followed closely by the nice National Trust guy who was taking pics of the cars and said he liked the Scirocco's...we kindly educated him!


Gooseberry of the Day was Dave/Div (Elliott?!) who joined us with his lovely Scirocco, but was very welcome nonetheless.

Lunch at the Red Lion was excellent. There def seems plenty of interest in another meet, and Mr Alex_G60_Fantastic has agreed kindly to look at this :) Don't see it being an issue getting well into double figures if the dates suit. Alex - there was chat that you must bring some Dundee cake for us all tho...



It seems that this little encounter went rather well! bravo to those that made it... I spent the day forlornly looking out at the grey skies wishing for the rain to stop! Everyones cars look the bees knees though and can't wait to get mine going to meet up with you all.


As Jamie said, he's asked me to organize the next one so options on locations and possible dates would be welcome! I'll look into the date that best suits the most ppl so don't be shy... post your ideas up

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Thank you Alex :)


Prob best starting a new thread for the next meet.


I can do any weekend in October except 15th/16th. I'd love it if we could do it before end of October as there's a chance the Rado will be going into hibernation for some much needed tlc when the tax runs out.


I'm easy on location - Scone sounds good. Falkirk wheel would be good, but I'm sure you have to pay to get in to the car park for a photoshoot. Happy to be corrected.

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