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Engine temp down since leak (??)

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Hi all,


Just trying to get some clarification on what i already think.


Had a slight leak on the upper rad pipe just before the thermostat housing. Replaced the pipe and job done.... so i thought.


But since that event the temp on the gauge hasnt been sitting at 90 as it used to do, it was at about 85.. but now its send 2000ems to be taking forever to get up to temp, hasnt sat at 90 and on the way home today was struggling to get over 70 on the gauge. Got home and let it idle and even held the revs at around 2000rpm and the temp was going up and did get to 90. So i took it for a spin and sure enough the temp started to drop again, went to just below 85.


Am i right in thinking the thermostat is shot? Is it possible for the thermostat to get screwed up due to a leak, i wouldnt have thought so, its a simple piece of kit - maybe just coincidence.




Thoughts welcome

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could be. Or could be a duff sensor. If you can get it on VAGCOM and read the actual water temp that would tell you, although the gauge under reads by about 8C vs VAGCOM.

What's your coolant colour like? Is it murky brown or still clear pink? If the former, it could just be that the crud in the system has caused the stat to stick open, in which case you could flush it, then soak the system overnight in a light acid solution (vinegar is ideal). Drain, flush with water and refill. If this doesnt cure it then your stat is likely mullered.

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Yeah getting it hooked up to vagcom is prob the next step... if i can get it working - its very temperamental! grrrrr


Are all the bolts holding the housing to the side of the engine accessable without having to dismantle the front of the car?

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yes, but on the thermo housing there i one shorter bolt which is hidden slightly. If you have a telescopic magnet, it would be easier to unscrew it almost fully but then finally remove it with the magnet as it is easy to drop and is then a right pain to get out again! Its been a while since i last changed the stat on mine but once you remove the coilpack it'll become much clearer. Mine has the aircon pipes in the way too, which really makes it congested. Might also help to remove the battery. Get a new seal for the housing - its the triangular shaped one.

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Yeah got a telescoping magnet.


Jon - i see what you mean, but the weather wasnt THAT cold when i did the top rad pipe, then after that the temp was still sitting at 85. Its only been in the last half week~ that its struggling to get above 70. Also i idled it at home to 90 and then took it for a drive and the temp was dropping.

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Mine had the same issue (leak from bottom of radiator under pressure, fixed with K-Seal, amazing stuff!) but also a faulty radiator fan switch and possibly yellow temp sender (now replaced). With the leak it wouldn't warm up at all, after the leak and new senders it gets up to 95-100 sitting in traffic and drops to 65-70 when cruising so it's pretty obvious my stat is stuck open or missing. I would have thought it was the same thing with yours and you've disturbed something that's jammed it.


Incidentally my fuel consumption has improved by about 10mpg without the leak, got 36 the other day :D



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