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More parts wanted

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EDIT: 03/04/2012


Right thought I'd update this with last little bits I need!


-Headlight clips (those bits that look like speaker clips where the screws go through on the headlights)


-Broken window switch (just need the little silver clips as I've lost mine)


-Working sunroof!!!


-Roof gutter seals (must be very good condition and seals all present)


-Window scraper seals, long shot but if anyone has got some brand new ones they are wanting to sell


-Rear boot protector thingy, not sure what exactly to call this but its the cover that protects the boot from where the striker hits. Its like a trapezium type shape, now been discontinued by VW.


I understand some of these things are a little bit of a long shot and if needs be I'll be buying brand new but its always the case I post that I've bought something and someone says "oh I've got a spare one of those brand new in bag you could have had!!!"


Also if anyone works at VW and fancy getting me some discount that would be amazing!


Thanks, Dave

Edited by swiftkid

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Its not the full panel 87 jetta, its just literally a thumb sized clip that clips into the panel on the passenger side. You know where the spring loaded striker is in the tailgate? Its the thing that that sits in. Have you got that?

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what do you mean by the headlight clips?


the plastic part that fixes to slam panel or the grey clips that hold the glass on?

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the plastic part that fixes to the slam panel, theres 2 on each headlight and the screws that fixes the headlight to the slam panel go through them

Edited by swiftkid

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No, its a tiny little piece of metal that slides over the plastic. Its almost the same as the metal speaker clips


Its the top 2 arrows


Edited by swiftkid

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Its not the full panel 87 jetta, its just literally a thumb sized clip that clips into the panel on the passenger side. You know where the spring loaded striker is in the tailgate? Its the thing that that sits in. Have you got that?


Ahh, sorry, I don't have one of these, well, I do, but I have no idea where it is. Lost in action!!

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