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Elsecar Mega Meet + UK Rallye Golf Show 2012

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Cheers, I've just been reading that aswell and not seen it!!!!

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Anyone know what the deal is for the show and shine for club cars? Thinking of entering for the craic.


I know its says just turn up but will that mean i'm then seperated from the Corrado forum?


Never done S+S before.

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Steve, Just enter from the club Stand mate, they dont have a seperate section.

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So turn up and let them know when i'm there with you guys?


Sorry just i've not been to this before and not sure of the script.

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Got it in one mate, Many shows you have to enter in advance but quite a few are relaxed like this one. :)

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gonna have to give this a miss now! gutted, cant seem to sort out the oil temperature issue out, looks like new rad and oil cooler. more money...

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Ah Rich thats a bugger, you reckon it's down to the radiator then? was hoping you'd crack it with a sensor :(

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kip the sensor actually made the readings higher, just cant chance cooking the engine, so a new rad is on the list as its an old one so try that first.. Half way through the sprinter piece now mate you wiil be pleased to know

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Where will you get the rad from? may need one for the Nugget too, :/


Thanks awfully for making the effort with the article, it's appreciated.

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Not sure where to get a rad from yet kip, dont want a cheap one though, will let you know when i find one mate, I have enjoyed doing the write up to be honest kip and have a few ideas for future pieces too.

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Long shot but anyone got a spare MAF for me to try at Elsecar?


Cars coughing and spluttering at cold and i've changed the BTS with no luck.


Even if its just someones spare and i can just try it to see if thats the problem :(

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Long shot but anyone got a spare MAF for me to try at Elsecar?

Cars coughing and spluttering at cold and i've changed the BTS with no luck.

Even if its just someones spare and i can just try it to see if thats the problem :(


Jim says you can try out his MAF at Elsecar ...

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I'm not going to the show but in the very unlikely event that you're in the Surrey area I have a spare MAF you're welcome to try on your way up there. Long shot but thought I'd offer it.

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Was trying to get there when my gearbox failed :(


Take lots of pics for me!

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Pictures of Elsecar 2012 - click me!


Great little weekend away, despite the rather wet weather. Big thanks to Jim for taking me as a passenger in his VR, Paul and Jude for their great hospitailty (once again), the Indian foodnight yesterday, brekkie this morning, and the fun we had as a group of C-enthusiasts amidst the ocean of questionable latest ¨Dub styling trends¨, to name a few:


Still stuff dangling from rear toe-eye.

Air-ride, pfff, pffff, pfff, scrape, Oops, airride, did I mention airride? :lol:

Porsche tombstone seats and Audi TT turbo engine in Mk1 Golfs

Rotiform alloy wheels galore

Vertical stickers placed along a-pillar on windscreen saying all sorts of uselss stuff, best one was the one that just said ¨Sticker¨ (well-spotted by Paul)


I am getting too old :lol:



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Indeed Eric, but that also allows us experience to be cynical :lol:


Top weekend as ever and always good to spend time with you guys. Great to meet some new people too! You Know who you are :)

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Nice pics, i did notice the weather report on sunday and it looked like a wet one, good turnout though by the looks of things, is it me or from the pics is there a lack of Rallye's ?

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Just to echo Eric's sentiments - thanks so much for Kip and Judith for their super hospitality and good to meet a few new folks and some more usual suspects for food last night - a great evening :)


In terms of organisation and stuff I liked the venue, and I liked that there were places to escape the noise and get well priced food and drinks. Shame there were very few trade stands (as seems to be a trend at shows these days).


The show however just reminds me how far detached I feel from the VW scene in general.. without going into critical detail, I just don't "get it" :| Reminds me why I much prefer to take the Corrado along to more general "classic car" type shows with real enthusiasts and a varied amount of interesting cars, rather than trying to either keep up with the latest fashion or one-up peers with even more preposterous or expensive modifications. Ugh.

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Nice pics ,have to agree with the comments about modding and the latest dub style to have .

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a few more pics



good turn out to say the weather was so bad,i thought my own car was well massacerd from its standard form but some have had major adjustments.

unfortunately i couldnt take the wet feet any longer so i left at 2,nice to meet some of you and see some of ya again.

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Must say really enjoyed the trip up to Elsecar today, first time I've ventured up North for it as its a little bit of a hike but worth the effort despite the weather.


Helped out a forum member by delivering some wings, save courier fees and potential damage.


Generally enjoyed a much more relaxed, 'old skool' style show. Atmosphere reminded me more of some of the shows I went to when first getting into the VW world.


Great to see so many Corrado's knocking about as well, in all guises from Judith's impeccable Storm to a lovely modified Bordeaux Red G60 at the far end.


Food & drink extremely reasonable, got music levels & choice about spot on, loved looking at Rallye's and they even had owls. Yes Owls.


Might jack the whole car thing in and focus on these wonderful creatures.


All in all great day out and chuffed I got up early to make the trip.

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Enjoyed the show today was a nice trip out to have a wander around even the weather wasnt a put off tbh

Nice talking to everyone who i saw and the cars all look very nice

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