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I use a virtualised instance of Windows XP running on VMWare fusion.


you could probably use alternatives such as Parallels - http://www.parallels.com/uk/ or Virtual Box..


Works well, for VCDS / VAG-COM and ETKA....


Alternative is to use BootCamp on your mac - http://www.apple.com/support/bootcamp/ ... but you would have to phsyically boot into windows, unlike the above that runs ontop of Mac OSX


Hope that helps.



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Got fed up muddling round with my desktop mac, so bought a cheap laptop to run it specifically. It's got the Bentley CD rom on as well. Keep it in the garage for when it's needed.

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Blimey, that's a bit extreme! :lol:


I use VirtualBox to run a virtual XP machine with the software in it - works fine. Does need an Intel Mac, but then there aren't a lot of PPCs left...



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