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The CF Update: New design, new classifieds & more to come!

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like the look except the logo... i miss the Corrado silhouette :(


The change in logo and font is just a cunning ploy to sell some new Corrado Forum window stickers. It's a bit like a football team changing its shirt every season so they can sell more merchandise :)



EDIT: Signature seems too high up here too (IE7 at work).

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Are you using an Ad Blocker?


I'll get that sorted tomorrow. Issue with the Import script it looks like.


Thanks for the feedback so far, guys!


No ad blocker, same problem on firefox and internet explorer for me...


looking good Andi... although text style in the login box is black, which makes it difficult to see what youve typed with it being a black background :)

IE 9


Second that! :D


also... the signatures on my browser seems to be very high up in the posts... Like they're actually part of the posts. Dunno if that's me or the forum though... might be my browser i suppose (firefox)


and that...

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like the look except the logo... i miss the Corrado silhouette :(


as for the running of the site i all seems to work ok. Nice work Andi


---------- Post added at 11:59 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:57 AM ----------


also... the signatures on my browser seems to be very high up in the posts... Like they're actually part of the posts. Dunno if that's me or the forum though... might be my browser i suppose (firefox)


Any chance you could shrink your sign down a bit matey? 100px high tends to be the max/norm. Have any width you like though :)


Good work Andi and Mr Tubes.

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Just tweaked the signature height a bit - hopefully looks better in IE. I have IE8 here and it looks fine....


And those with issues with the login bar, etc...

I can't replicate this in IE8, so I'm a bit stuck with that. Can you force Compatibility Mode?

The site looks fine in Firefox and Chrome for me.. as it does in IE8!

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Nice work Andi, just donated £10


like what you have done


Thank you very much! :)


And I'm glad you all seem to be liking it.

I've tweaked the "stay logged in" amount from 2 hours to 12 hours - so you shouldn't need to log in quite so much now... You'll just have to visit twice a day.. Haha!

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I've tried IE8, IE9, Firefox and Chrome and the problem exists on all of them for me :(














Am I the only one who's suffering with this?.... It's not a major issue, it doesn't effect usability. Just wanna make you aware that its there.

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This is how it looks for me in Chrome when logged in...




And my IE8, logged out... looks different to yours!



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And just for the complete test - Firefox ;)

(Which at work, bounces me via the states - hence the 'Yahoo Autos' Google ad...)




They all work and display as they should...which does make testing rather awkward if that's not what you're seeing.. :scratch:

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hmmm... well the home screen is fine on any browser if I am not logged in... as soon as I log in, the alignment issues occur.


Don't know if this makes a difference??


As I said, it's not a major issue anyway.

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I've tried IE8, IE9, Firefox and Chrome and the problem exists on all of them for me :(


Am I the only one who's suffering with this?.... It's not a major issue, it doesn't effect usability. Just wanna make you aware that its there.


mine is also like it, the advert thing covers up the forum text

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Tried IE8 and the avert thing is happening with that.


---------- Post added at 04:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:37 PM ----------


Just tried Firefox 6.0.2 and the advert thing happens on that. I'm using Windows XP Pro if that would be of any significance.


---------- Post added at 04:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:43 PM ----------


Just noticed something that may or may not help. The font size in IE8 and Firefox is larger by a couple of points than it is in Chrome.

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I have the same, advert over lapping the banner plus there seems to be writing under the banner, title of the thread I think.


Liking the fact new classifieds appear in the 'whats new' section as the 'what new' button is usually my first port of call, seems more logical and integrated.

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Layout is okay on Safari.


Is it time to drop the blog section ? Never seemed to take off.


Add a calendar tab to the main list ? This could then be updated with show dates, happenings etc ???


Just a thought.

Edited by James.

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all looking good to me on firefox, 42" screen though.


only thing for me is new posts doesnt seem to remember the last time you were logged in. the list just keeps growing each time i go on today.

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Fab andi, and it seems ok for me to use...... as you well know i find it difficult to turn computers on never mind post stuff up. Thanks for all your work still the best and most friendly vw site ever well done

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Ok, now this inconsistency between who gets overlaps and who it looks fine for is rather puzzling....


Any HTML/CSS bods have any ideas?

I'm wondering if you guys have any caching issues.. some old bit of the old design cached?

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