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Charger bracket just will not go back on!

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Currently changing the water pump on the g60 for the fourth! Yes, fourth time. Never had a problem doing it before but for some reason I just can not get the charger bracket to line up with the hole in the bracket arrowed.


The only thing I've done different this time around is fit a new p-steering belt. I hate working on these things.




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Believe me I've lost my rag with it...Very nearly let the handbrake off and laughed as it rolled down the hill.


I just can't understand why the bracket pictured won't line up with the charger bracket. Pop the bolt in (Shows a nut on the pic for some bloody reason) and the end of the bolt is like 5mm off of the hole in the charger bracket, which sits perfectly flush against the water pump!?


Is the bracket (pic) bolted through elongated holes or something? Can't get under the car as it broke down outside the house and I've no jack etc. Have done everything from above and crawling on my back, just about getting my arm through the wheel arch. (Stupidly low)

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i'm trying to work out exactly which bolt it is you're struggling with, The main one I had an issue with from memory was the bottom alternator bolt. It is very very tight through all of these pieces, I went back to stripping everything a couple of times, from memory using a fair bit of grease to keep parts sliding as they all seem to wedge together.

it really is that sort of job that makes you want to smash stuff.. i had to keep walking away from it and coming back once i calmed down.. especially bad once knuckles are bleeding and your arms are bruised. In fact I still have a very feint scar on my arm from doing this a couple of years ago!

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Frigging nightmare ain't it mate. My hands/arms are knackered, oh and to top it off, when I went to first investigate this leak, the bonnet cable snapped.


I've never had a problem before even though it's an utter ar3e hole of a job.


This is where the bolt runs. It first goes through the bracket in my first pic, then through a spacer and bolts into the charger bracket. But it's 5mm away from being lined up with the threaded hole in the charger bracket.



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yeah i reckon its the same one, part of the alternator fits between that hole and the next one?

look at that pic again, you're trying to get the long bolt [18] to go all the way through?


I was about 2mm off for hours, lots of wiggling and starting again and finally it went in place.

Have you got the plate with the arrow pointing towards it fully tightened in the other postitions? May push it that little bit to where it needs to sit?

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Nah, I wish I had got as far as throwing the alternator on haha. This damned bolt (Aren't they all on the CorradNo?) Runs through the (or part of) the power steering bracket into the charger bracket basically. Right at the very bottom of the charger bracket.


I'd go and grab a pic but I'll just end up arguing with the car...So I modified this one a bit.


Edit: The vagcat pic isn't very helpful tbh, it's not quite right as it shows incorrect brackets/bolts for the g60.



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Just to add, it is no. 18 bolt. But it doesn't run that way and doesn't have a nut on the end.


It runs from the left of red arrow and bolts into the charger bracket.




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Managed to get it all sorted/back up and running. Needed to loosen off the bolts at the rear/right hand side of the power steering pump.


Absolutely crazy how you have to adjust it so that the bolt lines up, you can only get to one of the bolts without the charger bracket on. Hard work trying to get it positioned and then tightened up without moving a mm or two! Tighten it all up, go to stick charger bracket on to find that the adjustment you made is now out! Uber annoying!

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