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Jim Bowen

Renewing end of driveshaft?

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Right, trying to get my hub off i've ended up ruining the hub and the threaded end of driveshaft.


Looks like i need to renew the circle hub bit, i guess that means new wheel bearings? and also the thread bit of driveshaft, i take it the ends can be bought and renewed as well?

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:lol: @ sledgehammer


i'm going to try and disconnect the outer cv joint now, and just take the whole hub assembly to a garage.


I spose i better add some more bits to my list.


---------- Post added at 3:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 1:47 PM ----------


can i just disconnec the driveshaft where it meets gearbox? is it just them bolts then pull it out?

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should be able to take off the carrier assembly etc and then tap (rubber mallet time) the end of the shaft off. No need to take it off from the gearbox unless you want to as the bolts and gasket will need renewing.

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I love how you do your own work on the car buddy! :D



if i didn't i wouldn't be able to keep it, looked at some old bills from the past and was quite often up to £200 labour costs on a lot of things.


So i bought some spanners and learning as i go. Hurrah for the internet i say, its a big help.


---------- Post added at 1:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 1:31 PM ----------


should be able to take off the carrier assembly etc and then tap (rubber mallet time) the end of the shaft off. No need to take it off from the gearbox unless you want to as the bolts and gasket will need renewing.



i don't mind buying new stuff tbh the car has done loads of miles


i really can't shift this hub, went out and bought plus gas, been sat there with a heat gun on it. Deffo ruined the outer cv joint shaft, and the hub face now. Am planning to take it off at gearbox end and taking hub with driveshaft to a local garage to dismantle, then i will have to buy new cv joint, hub and wheel bearings.


i noticed there was no washer under my hub nut and the bentley manual shows one, also i'm not meant to looking for a circlip or anything am i? it should just be the hubnut holding the shaft bit in?

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You should have Hubnut then washer then hub. Either side of the bearings are two big circlips to hold it in but with the rubber boot removed you should be able to thwack the end of the shaft off, see pic:

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That is the pic I was looking at when I noticed the missing washer. Would that cause the hub to get stuck on?


Failed at undoing the inner part of driveshaft as can't stop it all turning as I try to undo the 6 nuts.


Sent from my X10i using Tapatalk

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Pretty sure it wouldn't be good not having the thrust washer in there so could have caused some issue's with the bearing.


Stick it in gear and put a brick on the brake pedal, failing that a windy gun is your friend. Still reckon your better off attacking it from the other end tbh

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Worst comes to worst...


Hub nut off.

Undo all 6 driveshaft bolts at the gearbox end.

Disconnect ABS wires etc..

Undo two hub bolts from sus.

Undo the 3 bolts for bottom ball joint + steering rack bolt

Pull whole hub + driveshaft out

Put whole hub in vice.

Start attacking driveshaft end with a punch in a suitable vice.


Should come out then.

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thats almost where i'm at now, suspension is off, ball joint disconnected, wishbone is off, i just have the driveshaft there now, with the hub on the end.


I struggling to undo the inner driveshaft bolts, as the shafts just spins, i have no brakes on the car now either :(


might start hacksawing through the driveshaft soon :lol:

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Try putting the car in gear, May give enough resistance to allow you to turn the bolts, or, if getting desperate clamp a set of mole grips on the shaft and let them foul on the subframe or gearbox to stop the shaft turning.

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thats almost where i'm at now, suspension is off, ball joint disconnected, wishbone is off, i just have the driveshaft there now, with the hub on the end.


I struggling to undo the inner driveshaft bolts, as the shafts just spins, i have no brakes on the car now either :(


might start hacksawing through the driveshaft soon :lol:

Don't give in to the hacksaw or hammer approach.


Think of this as letting the car win, which we don't do. EVER.


In gear is a good shout, mole grips can also work but you'll need a fair bit of working room to get enough opposite force on each.


My next suggestion was going to be put the hub nut back on tight, socket on a breaker bar and wedge this against the ground in the correct orientation to stop the driveshaft from turning further.


This should give you enough force to undo the bolts however you'll probably going to the say the hub nut won't go back on the hub as it's slight out of shape...?


Might be able to get a screw driver through disc somewhere also to lock the drive on that side...


Keeping going, you'll get there.

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thats almost where i'm at now, suspension is off, ball joint disconnected, wishbone is off, i just have the driveshaft there now, with the hub on the end.


I struggling to undo the inner driveshaft bolts, as the shafts just spins, i have no brakes on the car now either :(


might start hacksawing through the driveshaft soon :lol:


don't use the hacksaw m8 , its an angle grinder you need :)

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The drive shaft itself will be OK as the spline that sticks though the hub is the CV joint, which in turn fits onto a spline on the drive shaft. So don't go cutting through it, that's just frustration talking. If you have another pair of hands available put the car in gear, get the spare hands to lock the flywheel with a large screwdriver onto the teeth on the flywheel through the timing hole. Personally I use a couple of extensions on the spline bit so that I'm applying force from outside the wheel arch, saves lying underneath.


Contemplating, as the CV joint is held in place by a C clip and the reccomended way of removal is a whack with a hammer, perhaps a whack on the inside of the hub would pop the hub and CV joint off the drive shaft, maybe not but maybe as a last resort.

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Going to try that method now i think Wulie.


I've taken the boot off the outer cv joint and cleaned out all the black grease, now i can't see the circlip :lol:


I really am failing at this so far...

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It's actually inside the thing and is not visible. In fact it isn't really a circlip as such but a spring 'C' clip which fits in a groove on the drive shaft and just holds things together with spring pressure. When the drive shaft etc is off the car a good whack with a mallet is enough to pop the CV joint off. Now I don't know if it would work with the hub on but don't see a reason for it not to.


Have you tried using the mole grips. Clamp them onto the shaft as close to the inner joint as you can. Let the drive shaft turn until the mole grips foul on the gearbox or subframe so that you don't have to hold it yourself then attack the bolts. Give the spline socket a few good taps with a hammer to make sure it's well seated and to put a bit of shock through it. As I mentioned above get an extension on it as it will give you more room for leverage.


Hope it goes well.

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i got out the molegrips but couldn't find any wide enough to go round the driveshaft


Thanks Wulie, i am going to get the hammer out again i think :lol: Might order up some proper car hammers for refitting the new stuff


the inside of the cv joint looks lovely, looking forward to using it as a paperweight :lol:

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**** me, this is painful.


If you can't put it in gear, then put 2 wheel bolts in the hub and put a bar in between them to hold the driveshaft steady while you undo the 6 bolts at the other end.


Can you post some pictures too? Of the bits that are damaged. I think from your description the threaded part will be the CV Joint. If it's already knackered then don't **** about, just hit it hard in the centre with a decent sized hammer. It will pop out the centre of the hub.

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Here is the end i have been hitting



Will be getting a mate round to help hold stuff this weekend, am sure it'll be off by monday.


Dunno why its so stuck on, like i say the other side came off quite easily really

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They do just get stuck tight.


Try to use a brass drift, or something a little bit softer than the steel between the end of the cv joint and the hammer. And smack it hard. Don't fanny about. A good hard wack with a decent heavy hammer should surprise it a bit.

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