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What do you use IPAD for ??

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Just wondering if I really need one...hmmmm ??


- Spending lots of time on internet but laptop does the job in 100%

- Using Kindle on the go to read books and pdf stuff

- Not really using internet on the go, if really must using my mobile


What do you else use it for ??

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I'm using mine right now and I don't like apple and their obstinate ways but I absolutely love my iPad.


Ok I cant do long essays or presentations etc but if i need to do that i have work or my ancient desktop pc, it's great for just being there when you need it anytime, anywhere. A laptop has to be positioned, can be cumbersome on your lap etc and the battery life isn't great. The iPad is so portable, it redefines ease of use and makes the slimmest laptop awkward to hold, such as while on the sofa watching tv and to want to browse something or just sat there in bed etc.


The main attraction is having the web at your fingertips, one click and in 2 seconds your away. Then you've got the app store and games if you want it for that too. I use my iPad1 for all net browsing and that's the reason I haven't upgraded my iPhone 3GS and I literally never really use it for the web, only when I'm out in town etc.


Hope that helps :)

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I was the same as you, didn't know if I could justify it or whether I would use it but its genuinely fantastic!

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Got an iPad clone (based on the Samsung tablet) last April, running Android Gingerbread, and have used it more than expected.


Playing Angy Birds on an 8¨ screen when getting a bit bored at car shows is perfect :lol:


Other than that, it mainly has enhanced my living room hifi, which can now play back Internet radio stations, music on USB sticks, whilst in the living room then also quickly surf the net, watch pictures with friends and family (i.e. bore them to death :lol:).



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I use mine for all of the vr6oc.com development using FTP on the go Pro and an application called Koder for coding... Great for games too, Skype, FaceTime awesome web browsing (who needs flash these days? No one... It's an ageing technology.) but of you really do then you can use Puffin... Other uses I use mine for is reading, storing all my useful PDF documents (Bentley manual, corrado related material etc..) work emails...


I've also got a MacBook pro which I rarely use anymore... Don't even need the laptop for updating or restoring backups! iCloud for the win!


Technology is amazing isn't it?

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I couldn't get on with the gestures on the iPad like I do on my iPhone. Made my fingers sore! Plus I have an air which I never power down so is on as soon as I open the lid. Glad I lent an iPad off a work colleague before I bought one. I just didn't get on with it. I think I'd get on if I did a commute on a train or bus regularly maybe though, much better for surfing than a phone in that instance.

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Most people at work use them as photo frames or calendars.

Imo they are best for shopping from the sofa.

Def. the next progression from desktop to laptop to netbook but don't expect to be able to do everything apple would like you to believe, e-ink is far better for reading for extended periods or in bright light for example.

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Had my ipad 1 since release day in Vagas and still use it as much today. It just beats sitting with a laptop on or at a desk, at the click of a button your searching ebay and reading the forum.


And the battery goes on and on and on . . . . . . . :)

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I was hoping iPad 3 would come with infrared and a really decent Media controller app, but nope!


The iPhone and AppleTV have both genuinely changed my life in a good way, but the iPad for me is merely something to waste a bit of disposable income on, once all the fuss has died down and the post build-bugs have been ironed out.

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Do you use the Apple TV with XBMC? The addons and access to my NAS from my ATV have totally changed the way I access content. I moved house last July and havent watched a single DVD since then. Everything is accessed through my ATV from my NAS or the internet.

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i've been wanting an ipad for a while now but Dell have brought out a tablet with Windows 7 as the operating sytem which is quite nice plus its a decent wieght & Size.

Now im torn between the both:scratch:

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iPad for me is all about speed of access to information.


Its perfect for the quick internet based task or note taking exercise or list creator etc...


Quick google search to find an address or post code for a destinitation...

BookFace just ping'd, let's have a quick browse and chat...

I fancy having a quick blast around Vice City in a Cheetah whilst listening to MSX FM on GTA 3...

Oooo PM on my favourite car forum, I'll just have a read.


and so the list of uses goes on.


I was hugely anti-iPad before "earning" one through work but now I'd be hard pushed to part with one just for the shear convenience factor they provide.


I've also had the opportunity to get hands on with a fair few alternatives to the iPad whilst building mobile apps and from a pure usability point of view nothing comes even remotely close to the iOS on the iPad. Everything else is either too clunky, too confusing or just too PC based.

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I have a Samsung Note which is half a phone and half a tablet (5.3" screen). I love it and use it for so email, messaging, a phone obviously, games, Kindle ebooks, music, TV (iPlayer and can get a lead to plug into the TV) and satnav.


It's smaller than a regular tablet but that just makes it even more portable.

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incidently my ipad 2 64GB is up for sale if anyone is after one :)


nice place for advert :D


Just read everything and decided against it so far as won't be using it a lot. Maybe when I start my study from September.

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I use it for;

> Forums using Tapatalk

> Purpose built apps such as Ebay, Autotrader, Natwest etc

> Games like Tapped Out (Build your own Springfield)

> Reading the Paper (The Sun) every morning. Download each morning from the comfort of the sofa (or crapper)

> Watch videos using AVPlayer (allows all video formats to be played including AVI)

> Reading guitar tabs without my laptop taking up space (has to be plugged in as battery is k-nackered)

> Drinks tray at work when too lazy to make multiple trips


And to clear up any niggles you may have about breaking, i dropped mine from waist height today and not a mark. But when i dropped onto the edge of a radiator i have dented the metal a bit :( but most important is the screen is fine. Also, dunno wether i have tallons but a Screen protector is highly recomended as it gets scratched (not sure if screen would without it on tho)

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