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Newbie in Kent. Any Corrado owners local to me willing to give advice?

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Hello all,


I live in Kent and I'm looking to get a Corrado, I'm new to them but have been an admirer for years and years. Just wondered if there are any owners local to the area who would be willing to give any tips or come to see any nearby potential buys with me. My brother's an amazing paint sprayer and bodyworker so I'm not all that fussed about that side of things cos he does a top job on everything he touches. I just need advice under the bonnet and any other problems I should be wary of.


Thanks for reading, hope everyone is enjoying the bank holiday!



Edited by Pat_McCrotch

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Welcome. I'm not a million miles away in Surrey. Happy to give advice and opinions although I'm not very good mechanically so couldn't replace a proper look by a proper mechanic.

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Hi guys, thanks very much for the welcomes and the offers of help. You've both got awesome looking corrados! I'm looking to spend around about 2 grand and I've seen quite a few for sale in that price range. But is it a realistic price or am I gonna need more to get a really good one? Dan, thanks for the buyer's guide, I'll get reading. I'm pretty sure I want a VR6 cos from what I've heard it's the most reliable and best built engine. But I won't discount standard 2.0's. I'm not buying it for beating people at traffic lights, I'm buying it for the looks and the drive. I don't do tons of miles every year cos I drive for a living and it's nice to have a break. But I'd be using the Corrado every day for a short commute and the occasional long trip to see friends.

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Where abouts are you in Kent ?

I only know what ive read on here about the Vrs,but if you need someone to have a look with you,give me a shout !

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I'm in Maidstone, that's great, thanks a lot! I will definitely give you a shout. Much appreciated

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Hi rhys

I'm not to far from you either, i have a mechanic friend that knows the vr engine like the back of his hand ( well pretty much lol) he has been in the vdub seen for years and has done some pretty nice golfs in his time, and i expect if i ask him nicely and he's avaliable he would come along and have a look, but i'm can't make promises on his behalf but it is always worth a try lol

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Hi mate, welcome. Like dragon green, I'm in Tonbridge too. So another local enough to you...Give me a shout if you need.

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Hello again, I've tried replying to the thread a few times but I think the message is going through the scanning process that newbies have to go through. Tonbridge lads; I was wondering if I could come over and have a look at your Corrados sometime? Went to see a right clanker in Essex yesterday and just wanted to see a good 'un.


There's a couple I've got my eye on, a silver 1.8 and a black 2.0, which are pretty local, Sussex and Essex. There's also a white VR6 in Bournemouth but I'm gonna check out the locals first before I start running round the country.

Edited by Rhys

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I travelled all over the country when looking for mine and saw probably around 10 cars over a year. I'm much rather a few long trips than restricting my pool to just local cars. You're more likely to find a good one that way.


There's a meet at Krispy Kreme in New Malden near me at 11am on Sunday 29th April if you wanted to see several cars at once and chat to several owners. The event thread is here:




Also happy to pop over to somewhere near you at some point if you want. That way you'd get to view a valver (dragon green), a G60 (g60jaime), and a VR6 and decide what you're really after.

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Cool, I am willing to travel to get the right car, don't get me wrong, I just wanted to see the local ones so I can get more used to asking the right questions and looking for the right signs/faults. Not that I'll be wasting anyone's time either, cos if they're the right car then I'll get it then and there.


Think I'm working on the 29th but I'll check just in case I can make it, cos it sounds really worthwhile, thanks for letting me know mate. And it'd be great to see your corrado, it looks incredible from the picture, that colour is banging.

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