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ITCC Corrado Crashed @ Modello 15/04/12

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The action happens around 8 minutes but worth watching from the start just to hear the engine note :)

Poor car. Driver is a friend of a friend. He was unhurt but rather peeved. Not the first time the car's had a spill.

Some before, during and after photos attached. She's straightening up quickly and will ride again! :D

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Ouch. That was a bad one! Looks like someone nudged the back end of his car :|

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Sorry.... But ive stoped watching before the crash.... This friend of a friend is a really bad driver.... Bad lines, gear changes. Shame really

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I watched it to and just after the crash and was really agreeing with the driving comment -floppyman, however at about 6 minutes his driving calmed down considerably, he relaxed into driving rather than driving too hard and forceably, resulting in over steering the car many times with the bad lines etc.


Didn't observe the gear changing aspect though, too busy noticing initially how many times the apex of the corner was missed with the late and too harsh breaking causing him to run wide.


So it was a shame that just two minutes later he was butted from the rear unsettling the car and him.


Really liked the camera position on the car, gave a good feel of the action.


Knew I shouldn't have watched this, want to get back on Track now !!!


Was at Shennington Airfield earlier today where they have some impressive Karting which stirred me up too.


Any of you got a spare 25k and would like to sponser me racing ??

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Totally agree on his driving. I was cringing when he went sideways around the hairpin! Especially in a Corrado, it takes a lot to lose the back end.

Nice to see a Rado on the track though. There is an original Scirocco GT racing in the same series too.

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Has anyone here raced that has commented? Its a little bit different from trackdays. The first few laps are always over the shop and once everything has settled you can get a rythm going much like was seen here.

Looks like he was nudged by the guy behind on the straight.

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I've done a few Trackdays and I've taken my Corrado around the Nurburgring about 20 times. But as you say, very different to Touring Cars. Anto seems to be pretty experienced now. I think this is his 2nd or 3rd season. So I'm sure there's method in his perceived madness. :)

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I think he took offence to being tapped sideways on the right hander and edged over a bit too much on the straight. If there was a car there with a slight overlap and he kept moving over to the pit wall it was only going to end one way. Its always good to see someone racing a Corrado though. I love the idea of racing a G60 as I don't know that anybody else has before. I can understand it though, as a series like the CTCC puts it in the same class as a VR6 because it has a charger. Not sure thats quite fair but maybe another series would have different rules. Although it says nothing about fitting a smaller pulley. :norty:

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It faired pretty well for a 100mph crash to be honest. :smug:

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It faired pretty well for a 100mph crash to be honest. :smug:


I was surprised too. I don't ever want to have the same happen to my baby. But glad the old Rado's fair ok in high speed accidents. Nothing a bit of pulling and beating can't sort out :)

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Jeez Ye lot are a picky bunch!! lol.

I'm Anthony & was the driver of the corrado in the video. I appreciate all comments and thanks for being 'honest' Ha Ha if you thought that was sloppy its a good job I didnt have onboard for testing & Qually. I fitted a lightned clutch & flywheel to the car & the addition of a Pedalbox means its a complete different car to drive than before & took me ages to get used to it.. Here is a link to Race 1 which is a little better, Better result anyways as I finished in 2nd place :)


Most of you may have experience of Trackdays where you will use racing lines for the fastest way around the track but I can assure you if you use said Lines in a race you'll not finish first, I was defending every corner & move I made because the was a Honda Civic filling my mirrors & the first oppertunity she got she would have taken it.


I Love the Corrado out on track & decided to build it after bringing my G60 out for a track day, Its when I collided with the armco at near 100mph that I really glad I was in a car build outta left over tanks form the war. Truely is a beast of a car. fully seam welded & roll caged out to the turrets helped keep her square, You will be pleased to know that a full recovery will be made & she will be out for the next round on the 12th of May in Bishopscourt, (NI)


---------- Post added at 11:24 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:21 AM ----------


Also Thanks MikeVR6 for sharing and you'll be dissapointed to know I'll be keeping the engine & box for another little while yet. :)


---------- Post added at 11:27 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:24 AM ----------


Also Thanks MikeVR6 for sharing and you'll be dissapointed to know I'll be keeping the engine & box for another little while yet. :)

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Nice to hear from you Anto. Don't be a stranger on the Forum. We have a wealth of info on here about these armco-proof cars :)

Keep us updated on your racing progress. I don't know of anyone else racing a Corrado. Although I saw a nice Scirocco GT was at the same event.

From the noise I thought she was a VR6 Turbo. It was only when I saw the pics I realised she was blower-driven. Great sound.

Health to Drive!

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Yeah she started life as a VR6 but I bought the bare shell & put a 1.8t AUM from a golf GTi. At the moment she's mapped to 233bhp with 322 Nm Torque.

I had a quick look around the site and I must say I like what I see. I also have a 92 G60 road car hense the user name. :)

Here is a link to the Rebuild thread.. http://octane.ie/forum/showthread.php?t=59568

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