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windscreen trims wanted

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I'm looking for a set of the three bottom windscreen trims as I'm having the windscreen replaced on my C at the moment, and I think the current set has been bonded to the screen. I would like a set in vgc with no cracks or chunks missing. As the car is at the bodyshop at the moment, I would like a set very soon, so would hope someone could post them to me asap. Can anyone help me please?

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thanks Kirade, but those aren't the trims I'm after. I have those ones already; it's the three plastic trims along the bottom that I'm looking for.

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Fay, as well as the clips they did put a blob of mastic on them too for extra security so if you can gently prise them off you should be able to re-use them, i think the clips and little grommets for the clips are still available too.

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thanks Kip, in that case I'll speak to the bodyshop tomorrow and see if they managed to remove them without breaking them. I just seem to remember them being rather well stuck down when I tried to replace the foliage cover seal and fit a pollen filter. I know the windscreen was replaced just a few weeks before I bought the car, so I wondered if they broke the clips and just glued the whole lot down. Is that likely do you think? I bought new clips in preparation of doing the seal and filter but didn't use them in the end. Just need to find them now...!

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It's very likely the clips broke last time it was removed so yeah i'm guessing they stuck the whole lot down, not impossible to do to remove them with care though.


Although they'll prob just whack em off and break em :( Much as i like fresh new paint and all i hate body shops really, they are a bloody nightmare to deal with even when you get a good one you have to watch every move :lol:




Hope you get it sorted.

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I've got two of the three if that's any good to you (nearside and centre). The offside one bent in half as I was freeing it from the glue :(


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I'm after the best set I can find, so what is the condition like please Stone and Owen? Also, what prices please (inc postage)? Keen to buy ASAP. Thank you :)


I do have a spare set (so 2 out of 3 might not be a problem), but I'm hoping to find a better set and then sell what I have left over.



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ill get some pics up


make me an offer if theyre in good enough condition as theyre taking up space on my balcony.

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