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Goodwood Festival of Speed

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Anybody going/been before?


I'm taking my middle son on the Saturday (30th June) for his birthday. Website says that Hamilton and Button are both down to race 8)


Any tips on best places to watch the action? Things to do? Not bought grandstand tickets yet as they seem a tad expensive to me although I think it means you can use any of the 8.


I guess its worth getting there early?

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Great day out, you can wander round and get really close to the cars. I`ve been about 8 times so far, and am intending to go again this year. I wouldn`t both with stand seats, as you will wander about quiet a lot having a good look at the cars and other stuff about the place. I normally go on the Friday, as there aren`t as many people there, but not all the drivers are there on Friday. They do say that Sunday is the best day to see the drivers, but it gets packed out with people. But most of all you will enjoy the event if you are a petrol head.

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Definately worth getting there early to avoid queues ,great day out including air displays.worth taking picnic as food is extortionate.

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I have been loads of times too, without Grandstand also. Good viewing spot is past all the grandstands and half way up the hill. There is also a TV moniter you can view from there. Often the F1 cars will do antics here too. AS said before get there early like when the doors open, huge queues to get in if not. If you are only going for the day, be prepared to not get round it all. You can print off all the Timings and events, stands available from the website saving the programme costs too. Enjoy, its brilliant.

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Thanks all. Right.... get there early, bring food and enjoy!


Good tip on the timings/events Wendy - the official programme is £12 :shock:

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personally, if possible id stay somewhere localish the night before. its not a great place to get to from where we are, but defo go a34/a27 rather than through salisbury.

the a27 can be packed solid in the morning, so you do want to get there REALLY early.


as wendy said, halfway up the hill gives great views and literally trackside.. grandstand is a complete waste of time.


the other thing i kicked myself about a couple of years ago audi would let you onto their viewing stand if you had an Audi key. free drinks and snacks too. I actually had an audi at the time but didnt take it! If you can get a spare key from someone i'm sure they'll be doing the same thing again.


i had a pizza from the food stall which was great value and really tasty! Id rather pay £6 for food then have another thing to worry about before leaving.


if i went again, i wouldnt waste time looking at dealer displays etc, if you wanna see standard new cars do that at home! i'd go half way up for some hill action, then spend some time on the rally stage. both by far the best bits of the day. i'd then check out as many of the supercars/f1's etc as you can get round after.


im now going to look at tickets :)

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I went for the first time since I was little about three years ago. It is an awesome day out. We didn't spend too long in one place, just wandered up the hill and stopped to watch whenever we heard a car coming. And as Baron said, watching oldschool, fire-spitting rally cars come flying through the trees on the rally stage is an amazing experience.


Plus, if you're in to that sort of thing, the Goodwood Revival is one of the best days out I've ever had. Ever. Fact.

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