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Poke laws, need a little help.

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I have seen a recent thread on a guy who was pulled over a tiny amount of poke from his arches. i have done my research and i know the law states that your allowed a 30mm protrusion from the arch aslong as the tyre tread is within the arch.


now i have recently purchased a set of 9j wheels with E.T 30. ive tried the wheels on without tyres and there is a small amount of poke out the arch of the car and i may need a little spacing to bring the wheel just past the fuel tank at the rear

the problem im facing is how the law stands on this matter, as the rear bumper part of the arch slopes away an leaving obvious amount of poke, is this seen as part of the arch and therefore illegal?


heres some pictures.



arch top view




Rear view (at a terrible angle so looks worse)


Myquestion is mainly about the rear view as clearly due to the bumper sweeping in the wheel pokes out alot more how does the law stand on this? has anyone else had a similar setup?

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I'd say so but seen worse before. don't get it at all i'm afraid to be honest. I know it's each to their own but I think safety is a big issue with these extremes. I don't even think it looks good.

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I can't see how it would be unsafe.

Im not massively bothered about poke i just like the wheels and hoping they can be installed legally

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I think it comes down to how the copper who pulls you up interprets the rules and how much attitude you give him, you know what coppers are like.


Unless you can find the specific law regarding this, maybe a trip down the cop shop with those photo's, but just cos one copper says its alright doesn't mean they all will.


Its your choice what you do with your car, but it seems a bit of a risk to me, is it really worth it ?

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Excessive load on bearings due to completely wrong wheel type, tramlining issues when braking hard. Am sure the true physics of it would find a few faults too.


I know i'm not helping but some day this kinda thing will surely be banned altogether.

Edited by KIPVW

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As stated, the law on this is a grey area, there is no specific definition regarding 'poke' and instead go down to extrusions from the body work. It's such a vague description that it's more on how it's interpreted by the reader more than anything. So it will differ from policeman to policeman and court to court. The tyre tread however has to be under the arch when looking from above, as stated by law.


Stretching tyres are fine if they are not too extreme. 215/40/16 On a 9j is within most tyre manufactures guidelines & recommendations (once again there Is no law on tyre stretching, just a law on tyre safety so stretching if excessive can be interpreted as unsafe by certain policemen if they deem so). Drift cars stretch tyres, with obscene camber and wheel spin around corners going sideways FFS, I think stretching will be ok on a road car. The horror stories you hear are from excessive stretching, crap tyres and under-inflation. Buy a good tyre, don't over do it and keep the pressures up and you'll be fine. Tyre stretching will however make handling less precise and vague whilst the thin tyres make the ride harsh. Form over function really but whatever floats your boat.


From the pictures you've posted I'd say those wheels are borderline. You should get away with it with a good -1 degree of camber and the correct tyre size. You may attract unwanted attention from the boys in blue so drive sensibly. Personally in my opinion for it to work you'll need a good drop and arch work otherwise it'll look poop and kind if defeats the object really.


Just remember if it looks illegal or iffy to you it will 100% look the same to the police, whether it's illegal or not is another matter but is it worth the unnecessary hassle?


By the way on my last Golf I ran 195/45/13's on a 8.5J for over a year. The only issue I had was looking far too cool so it was nicked. Hey ho. :lol:

Edited by P3rks

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Of course it's a safety issue. It's MUCH more dangerous for wheels to catch each other, or to catch passing pedestrians, than for bodywork to touch. That's exactly why the regulations are all about how far the wheel protrudes from the "plane of the car body".

As stated above, interpreting what the plane of the car body is near your wheel arch is often open to interpretation.

I'm also one of those that doesn't like this look, however..

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Not to start an argument but i have always thought that the whole "could catch a pedestrian" argument is pointless as at the end of the day your wing mirrors hang out further then anything.

However im not atall bothered about the poked look i just want to know if these would be legal as i have brought the wheels due to a friend telling me they would fit fine :sly:

I just want to know if i should bother getting tyres or just sell them on and by the majority i would say they are not worth the risk.


Thanks for the advice guys :)

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Wing mirrors fold in on impact though, as I know only too well when my shoulder got hit by a bus mirror. And imo, anyone close enough to car to be hit by an alloy wheel sticking out 'up to' 30mm, raises seperate concerns!


Just carry a 30mm thick peice of wooden batton in the boot. Then if you get pulled, just plonk it on the wheel rim and lean it on the arch. The copper will then see the metal part of your wheels don't protude more than the legal amount and you'll be fine.


If you're new to Corrados, you would quickly hate the effect wide and heavy wheels has on the handling and ride and stick the standard wheels back on :D

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Valid point :). But it makes you think how cars like the atom and quadbikes are legall also lorrys have wheels that poke right out.


Yeh tbh ide be happier with some lightwieght 8's or 7's i just liked the look of these and i was offered a good deal.

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Yep! And there doesn't appear to be a law against riding a pedal bike down a hill and sticking your leg out whilst passing pedestrians either :lol: I can understand them wanting to tighten down the rules and regs for car modifying in general, but wheels hitting pedestrians is clearly something an overly anal bureaucrat thought of. And one who doesn't own a car.

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Yeah i think that's a matter that needs to be addressed immediately :lol:


I agree completely though, modifications need to be safe, but the law needs to be fairly sensible about it.

Looks like im going to have to find some new wheels and sell these bad boys on :(

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Well i know you obviously can with 2 piece alloys.

But it would be to much hassle and expense i think to take a inch out of the wheel

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Well i know you obviously can with 2 piece alloys.

But it would be to much hassle and expense i think to take a inch out of the wheel


I ran 9s all round on my old valver and by the time i sold my car i was sick of it !! This isnt a dig at all as i love the low wide look but seriously i had to roll and widen my arches stretch yhe tyres and it handled like a bag of **** ! Heavy steering he front bearings went and it was harsh as **** to drive the rattles did my head In

I did it once and i wunt go there again even though i loved the way it looked


As for the law you will never ever get a final yes or no on weather you can do it as everyone stated already although the law on the wheels pertruding incase someone wants to step in to your moving car is utter bolloks


As far as machining 15 mm of the back of the wheel wer the center bore is to tuk the wheel in more is very doable as long as your not gonna hit the rear suspension moving the wheel in


Personally id go for a nice set of speedlines , compomotives , oz type wheels something with a look of purpose but thats just my opinion

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Just a quick question on width then: how does a Corrado handle with some BBS 15" Rs's in 7" front and 8" rear (et 16 and 18)? I think rubber woukld be 205 in front and 215 in rear.




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well this is how they looked, i just liked them and couldnt afford or find the wheels i really want :( damn rare zender phase 2 turbos :'(.

I may be able to get these wheels in 8 all round though whats peoples opinion on that?? i would be sticking 225's on, i cant see it ruining handling to much or would it??


probably just best to stick with my speedlines and refurb them for a while i guess :|

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Re: sticking out and safety.. well,it's just one of those things. They have to set a sensible limit somewhere and they set it at 30mm (as someone pointed out, this is likely less than your wing mirror sticks out). *Any* protrusion on the bodywork will fail an MOT if it's "sharp". The bodywork is, of course, tested as an impact target for pedestrians, wheels are not.

I have no idea why they allow quad bikes to be registered for road use. The things are ****ing insane and shouldn't be allowed on the roads .. particularly as most of the people who drive them are dickheads..

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Don't get me started on quads dangerous as hell they are.

A quick thought i had If i roll my arches would i be able to sort this problem??

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But then if you do get older and wiser, your stuck with a car with rolled arches which when you put the original speedlines on it'll look like a mk2 escort just about to do a rally stage in 1978.........


I dont know about you but i want to keep my car for a very long time, and am quite reluctant to do anything that cant be put back to stock easily.........

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But then if you do get older and wiser, your stuck with a car with rolled arches which when you put the original speedlines on it'll look like a mk2 escort just about to do a rally stage in 1978.........


I dont know about you but i want to keep my car for a very long time, and am quite reluctant to do anything that cant be put back to stock easily.........


:shrug: i dont know what to do, i think im going to see if i can get the rears in 8's suppose they will have to go to a new home

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Poke laws :lol:


It doesn't matter how you dress it up, rape is rape.

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:shrug: i dont know what to do, i think im going to see if i can get the rears in 8's suppose they will have to go to a new home


Mate its all opinions, its your car and you can do what you like with it, just stop and think for a minute and dont do anything you might regret.


Wheels you can take off and change, for me being an old git i would sell them, the corrado handles best on the original speedies anything else is a compromise between handling/looks...........

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