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Coolant temp and fan problem!

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i have a problem and have looked around and found many solutions, but i wondered which one is the fix for my car?

currently when i plug in the vag com in i get error -00522 which is a problem with -givers for coolant temperature -G62

my engine temp on the vagcom and dial is almost always 77.ºC

my fans hardly ever kick in (can only assume because engine "isnt getting warm enough")

sometimes it all suddenly works eg. sat in drivethru worrying about engine temp, then dial moves to correct temp and fans kick in *Phew*


i assume my problem could be with the Engine Coolant Sensor?


if so where is this? is it one of the plugs above the thermo housing? which one?



Edited by davidwort

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What car do you have??


The sensor VAGCOM refers to is for the ECU, the gauge one is seperate.


I'd start by replacing the sensor and thermostat along with a coolant refresh.

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Yeah if your temps are low and don't rise unless your sat in traffic, then 9 times out of 10 its a dodgy thermostat.

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oh yeh sorry vr6!

ok well so is the gauge one a seperate problem all together? and ok ill get that done then :)


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The blue one is for the ECU. There is a yellow (or black if its been replaced previously) is for the gauge. If you change the yellow one then the new one will be black with a blue ring round it - 4 pin i think.

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Yup there is three. Forget what the black one is for.


The yellow is the gauge and fans, but if replaced for new will be a black one. The blue i the ECU.

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