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Should steam come out of here?

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Hi, I’ve noticed that I am getting steam ( i presume its steam) out of the small tube on what I presume is the Crank Case Breather? is that right? and should small amounts of steam at idle come out of here?


Ive only really started looking as when at Castle Coombe last week my expansion tank looked completely full due to pressure build up, (fans working ok - water gets to about 90ish and oil about 130ish after 6-7 laps and all cools down ok) so i let it idel today with exp cap off and again it gets to fill the tank, when cold its bang on the mark - whats causing this? No mush in oil cap, no oil leak, no oil in water.

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Im not sure there should be steam coming out of it.To make then that means there must be water somewhere to make the steam and you dont want water in your crankcase..That sounds worrying to me.Is your head gasket ok?

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Looks like you're missing the hose! There should be a thin hose that goes from the side of the head (near the PCV valve), onto the PCV valve and then on down under the intake pipework/MAF and onto the carbon canister pipework IIRC.

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Ok, sounds like a good diagnosis - is this piping shown in the Bently manual somewhere so i can see if its attached at the end?

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And doesn't that then go into the manifold by the throttle body? Your either taking in unmetered air or it's been blocked off..

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Hi, yes looks like a pipe missing, so - next question - where can i get one from and do you know the part no. / name for it if i call VW.?


Thanks for helping on that one - and i've done 4 track days in it and havent noticed any lumping running - and last week i was proper chuffed that it passed a scooby, clio 183 thingy, my mates 328i and some wooss in a M3.


Next one which I am apprehensive about – Header tank pressure! Normal level when cold, when hot , its right at the top of the tank. All hoses hot, no milk in oil cap, no oil in header tank, no water or oil loss at all – is it HG or easier?

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Its normal for the level to rise in the expansion tank when the engine has been running.The water heats up so expands so the level rises.Then it will drop back to normal when it cools.Thats what the tank is for.If it didnt expand into there,then it would burst out of the radiator and all over the floor.Nothing to worry about mate

Edited by dubweiser

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