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Wanted - Stainless exhaust and Inpro rears

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Hi looking for a s/s exhaust car back. Must have no rot or damage etc and no max power tail pipes :)


Also inpro rears, looking for red/clear units rather than Lexus or smoked styles.


Pm me.




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Just a word of warning- the red/clear rears let water in around the edges and after a few months they get a horrid green layer of algae that is impossible to clean. If you get a brand new set there might be a way to seal them and stop this happening. I switched to smoked rears and got the ARZ ones from German ebay as they are better quality.

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I've got a set of the lights you were requesting, but it is true and they do go a bit green round the edges but if you pay them some attention with a hose or pressure washer I always found it was removed!


I'll do them for £30 plus postage!

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I've got a full VR6 Magnex system with a de-cat, but I'd be after a swap for a standard exhaust system in OK nick and cash my way.


let me know if you're interested.



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