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loud Ticking/Clicking noise

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Recently had this fairly loud clicking noise coming from vr6 engine, seems to get faster the higher the revs go. limped the car home two miles today after leaving it over night in a carpark!


any suggestions??



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I had a similar problem. It was the hydraulic lifters. Check your oil first, if mine gets a little low that can set it off. A treatment may work (pour into fuel mix type thing - Hydraulic Valve Lifter Treatment) alternatively you may have to look at the more serious option of actual engine work. Don't panic yet, I drove mine with the ticking noise for about a week until it got bad then treated it and its gone away. Its a known and common problem it would seem. Good luck!

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Ideal thanks man, hopefully its nothing to bad for the moment as not working for a few weeks and moneys is tight. ill check the oil and then try the mix see if that works!

also she seems to be going through abit of oil, and was wondering how much are they expected to go through, its not a vast amount but i've been through 2 small bottles in a couple/few months?!


thanks again!

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I had a similar noise when I first got my VR and it turned out to be a loose spark plug! It might be worth checking. :)

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I think they all use a little oil. Both of mine have. If you drive it towards the top of the revs and let it run hot, some oil will get used. Have a look around for oil leaks just in case, a little weep somewhere won't be the end of the world as long as you do check it regularly to make sure its not getting any worse. I thought the tapping sound was going to cost me a load. I did a full oil change and ended up giving it an extra few bits and then it was gone for less than £100 I think. Clean oil can only ever be a good thing anyway!!! Good luck.

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(pour into fuel mix type thing - Hydraulic Valve Lifter Treatment)


true,these can help a great deal,but DONT put it in your fuel,lol:geek:

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yeah mate,personaly i would put some engine flush into the oil thats in it now,run it upto

temp at idle speed,drop that out,then put the additive in with some nice new fresh oil.

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