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Please tell me alot of you were bothered by the Osborne speech

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I don't like to comment on here too much these days and politics is a real odd one as some people seem "dyed in the wool" one party for life, no matter what.


I have voted for many different parties in the past, I vote for the people that I think are best placed to run the country at the time.

Why is it that so many people have conveniently forgotten that the Labour party drove this country on to the rocks, and yet the same party suddenly has fabulous ideas on how to run the country and it's economy?


Why is the conservative party regarded as for "toffs" and labour for the working man? The Labour party has it's fair share of "old money". Take for instance the captain that sailed us on to the rocks, Tony Blair....or his real name, Anthony Charles Lynton Blair.......Hmmm sounds like a good working class name, oh did I mention that he's a multi millionaire and getting richer by the day?


My grandfather was a Lancashire coal miner. When his pit closed down he walked to north Nottinghamshire, (his posessions in his hands) where a new mine had opened. There he obtained employment until he retired.

Many of my family and friends worked as coal miners, some were hard workers, others couldn't give a s*it. They laughed at how little they got away with doing! The NCB was known as "No C*nts Bothered" by many of them! Any wonder it went down the crapper!


Be careful how much you tax the "wealthy", yes they should pay their fair share, but you risk doing what Italy has done this year and drive them away! The yacht marinas are empty. Better some tax and them spending money, than none?


It always makes me smile when I hear people say, "the government should pay for this.....the government should pay for that....". The government has no money to run the country with.......it's our money, tax payers money!

Of course the elderly and infirm should be looked after, and before we help other countries!


I work hard, I have always worked hard! I reap the benefits rather than claim the benefits! I have always had more than one job or business. I was taken on a building site by my dad at the age of 7, by the time I was 14 I worked weekends and school holidays....a day's work like a man, for a mans pay.

I have grafted on building sites all day, worked on "the door" 5 nights aweek and still found time to dig graves! (not for the customers, you understand..... although.....).


I really don't want to hear how good Labour are, they cost me almost half a million quid by trashing the pound. I work hard and do well, Labour would no doubt class me as rich, the politics of envy would take over and I would be taxed to death!


As for politics, well I was once approched by a local councillor, a member of the Town and country planning committee. He wanted me on said committee, "I don't care what you politics are, join the Labour party and I will have you on the committee in 2 years, he said. You scratch my back and I'll put a few stiches in yours, kind of thing.


The only way for this country to become great again is for us to drag it out of debt, stop whinging and get on with it. Work hard, earn lots of money, pay lots of tax and then you can better take care of the elderly and those who "can't" work.

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I just think its hilarious how you all agree to moves that ultimately will lead to us been worse off,its like the turkey that voted for Christmas.


And as regards the financial sector i dealt with corporate customer when i worked for the bank i full understand how people pay less tax st the top end, and lets not forget the chas lumpers and shares they are given as pay packets tax free.As much as i do not like most lower class people i know they must be defended as we are in the same boat,this distancing yourself from them on a political level is foolish.Divide and conquer thats what politicians are doing to the classes now.


My insult may be harsh but its because i grow weary with the lack of understanding people seem to have how modern society and its errors.


I am not stating for one moment the rich should pay more tax merely the rate should match what people below pay,does that not seem fair to everyone that your priveldge must not allow you to aid the country less when your in a better position to do so,if not then maybe in a very minute minority.I just wish people stood together and ditched this mentality that people high up should be able to take the mick because they are dreaming of it themselves one day in the modern celeb culture we have where it is all about fame.


So my apologies for insult but its such a frustration on me that i vent it at times,welfare did need a reform but an enormous change in the very fabric of society and education must occur first,and it certainly should not reduce for corrupt politicians blunders who despite all this will still be well off and un-affected.


The very issues we talk about now for me are what drove me to be alot more mature for my age than as you all know i was a complete party animal a few years past.

Edited by corrado_sunderland

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I don't fight anyone else's battles - I might 'only' be 29, but have gradually realised that you get no thanks for sticking up for anyone else - as Kev said, too many differing views.


I fight my own wee corner, everyone else can fight theirs.


Now - a post by Sunderland without mention of masturbating, johnnies or anything else crass?! Has this account been hacked mods?! :p

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  Yandards said:

As for welfare reform it never goes far enough, we should do what they do in New Zeland and instead of money you get clothing and food vouchers - you then don't get to buy Sky, internets, a mobile etc on the taxpayer..


Thats the way it should have always been. But its that much of a obvious answer none of the politicians have mentioned it.



Boris cant do any worse job than the current or passed governments.

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Boris is a very cunning, conniving, point scoring "Columbo esque" figure! Look at me, bumbling buffoon......everyone laugh as I make it to the top!

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I had a bit of a rough ride the past year or so and i guess im just not the same fool hardy person i was,i dont really nail all the hot lasses i used to now as there so dense i cant stand talking to them long enough to get into their panties plus my nice nature proved fatal with modern women.i


Im a bit of a cougar hunter now too as my last exs have been over 30 :lol:


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  Toohottotrot said:
.. is a very cunning, conniving, point scoring "Columbo esque" figure!


This describes alot of politicians.


---------- Post added at 7:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 7:31 PM ----------


  corrado_sunderland said:
I had a bit of a rough ride the past year or so and i guess im just not the same fool hardy person i was,i dont really nail all the hot lasses i used to now as there so dense i cant stand talking to them long enough to get into their panties plus my nice nature proved fatal with modern women.i


Im a bit of a cougar hunter now too as my last exs have been over 30 :lol:



Those that gloat usually dont.

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Mr Sunderland I see your point about the tax. You are referring to the immoral use of offshore accounts and tax loopholes. These need to be closed off so that everyone pays the tax they are meant to.

The system of tax is spot on in my opinion, it just needs to be enforced correctly to stop accountants dodging it. Can't blame them for trying as its perfectly legal. Very immoral though.

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  Critical_Mass said:
This describes alot of politicians.


---------- Post added at 7:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 7:31 PM ----------



Those that gloat usually dont.


What do ya mean by that m8?

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  Rob_B said:
Mr Sunderland I see your point about the tax. You are referring to the immoral use of offshore accounts and tax loopholes. These need to be closed off so that everyone pays the tax they are meant to.

The system of tax is spot on in my opinion, it just needs to be enforced correctly to stop accountants dodging it. Can't blame them for trying as its perfectly legal. Very immoral though.


Quite. Tax dodging is one of many things that got the greeks into their current problem.. everyone should pay their dues!

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  Toohottotrot said:
Why is it that so many people have conveniently forgotten that the Labour party drove this country on to the rocks, and yet the same party suddenly has fabulous ideas on how to run the country and it's economy?


Because any party who isn't in power is like a back seat driver. They always think they can do a better job but when given the reigns, they are either no better, or worse.


Imo politicians are just a bunch immature little kids. They waste millions of our £s on election campaigns, which ultimately are just them heckling each other in Westminster and on TV. I could publically humiliate and slag off politicians for free. Why do we have to listen to their show boating bull schitt every 4 years, and more importantly, why do we even believe their bull schitt enough to vote?

It just beggars belief how this country's government continues to be based on false promises and lies. It's why I have nothing to do with it.


I'd like to see polling cards with the following options:- Labour, Conservative, Lib Dems, UKIP, The Green Party and None of the above: You're all feckin useless lying b'stards.



  Toohottotrot said:
I work hard, I have always worked hard! I reap the benefits rather than claim the benefits!


Nicely put :D

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One thing this thread has shown is what ever your political persuasion, that the vast majority if not all, seem to be of the mind that you get off your ass and make a life for yourself. No one will do it for you. I like this.:thumbleft:

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  corrado_sunderland said:
What do ya mean by that m8?




I meant guys that gloat about such things, are probably telling porkies or exaggerating. ;)


I was trying to goad you. :p

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  Toohottotrot said:
One thing this thread has shown is what ever your political persuasion, that the vast majority if not all, seem to be of the mind that you get off your ass and make a life for yourself. No one will do it for you. I like this.:thumbleft:


Something my parents taught me from a very early age. In fact, they used to say "If you don't study hard at school, you'll never make anything of yourself". Tough love. I like this :D


Not totally true mind. I think I only got 4 GCSEs at C or above :lol: I've done OK for myself though....just by buckling down and not expecting anyone to do me any favours.

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  Critical_Mass said:


I meant guys that gloat about such things, are probably telling porkies or exaggerating. ;)


I was trying to goad you. :p


Nah my tales were all true :lol: last time i started racking it up id been with more than double my age in lasses,ive definetly smelt every rose in the garden and its time to settle down :rofl:


I never gloated i just past my stories on for entertainment value because telling something funny to people again makes you remember it eveb more...and entertains people.


As regards the topic,you must not forget that even if you earn your way like i half also taking away things weve always had shows a problem elsewhere.These are cost saving measures at our expense and we must challenge the real issues like non skilled imigration,the financial sector and tax evasion and class separation through expendential pay structures.


Dont let your own pride of self dependance be used against you to loose things we may we need one day.

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Good point well made Yan



  Yandards said:
and the alternative is to put some other nobbers in who continued to dig the hole in the first place? We would be in the same position in Greece and Spain by now if Labour were still in power so you would even worse off.


Providing the French as an example of decent politics is just mental, home of the country that doesn't contribute to the EU because they invented it FFS, refusing to abide by any court decision if they didn't want to, home of the head of the IMF who was bent as a nine bob note etc etc etc.


Whilst I agree that shareholder workers is not a great idea at all for a lot of folks it does work very well in John Lewis' case.


As for welfare reform it never goes far enough, we should do what they do in New Zeland and instead of money you get clothing and food vouchers - you then don't get to buy Sky, internets, a mobile etc on the taxpayer..


I hate all politicians equally but Ed Ball's solution to the current problem is stupid, fix a lack of growth and cash by borrowing more money that we can't afford to pay the interest on right now.


I think we should have Boris in charge, if only for the shets and giggles that he would cause.

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So does it not drive anyone towards a revolution politically? None of you are happy with either party so why not do something, and as regards the french,you can say what you like about them but my friends who moved their are a damn site better off that we are over here and any issues the public dont like they get sorted though speaking up. I couldnt care less about a countries rep if its a better place to live working class,and not fussed about the e.u anyway were basically not it in ourselves as well.Weve been on the verge of been kicked out for ages now from what i read a while back.

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  corrado_sunderland said:
Nah my tales were all true :lol: last time i started racking it up id been with more than double my age in lasses,ive definetly smelt every rose in the garden and its time to settle down :rofl:


I never gloated i just past my stories on for entertainment value because telling something funny to people again makes you remember it eveb more...and entertains people.


As regards the topic,you must not forget that even if you earn your way like i half also taking away things weve always had shows a problem elsewhere.These are cost saving measures at our expense and we must challenge the real issues like non skilled imigration,the financial sector and tax evasion and class separation through expendential pay structures.


Dont let your own pride of self dependance be used against you to loose things we may we need one day.


Dont take it to heart mate, was just yanking your chain :lol:

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  Critical_Mass said:
Dont take it to heart mate, was just yanking your chain :lol:


I didnt :lol: but i miss them days....the crazy nights out,the fully functioning kidneys,trips to the GUM and waking up not knowing where you are or the girls name next to you ahhh those were the days


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  corrado_sunderland said:
So does it not drive anyone towards a revolution politically? None of you are happy with either party so why not do something,


Do what exactly? As we've already said, there aren't enough people who think the same way you do to make a difference. And if people do try and force their opinions onto the Government, well, you saw how quickly they threw the yobbos who contributed to the London riots into the slammer. The minority who think they are above the system just ruin the wider population's lives. Cast your mind back to the mods and rockers of the Thatcher era if you're old enough.


It's far easier and more productive to improve your own life off you're own back, than worry about everyone's else's.

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  Kevin Bacon said:
Do what exactly? As we've already said, there aren't enough people who think the same way you do to make a difference. And if people do try and force their opinions onto the Government, well, you saw how quickly they threw the yobbos who contributed to the London riots into the slammer. The minority who think they are above the system just ruin the wider population's lives. Cast your mind back to the mods and rockers of the Thatcher era if you're old enough.


It's far easier and more productive to improve your own life off you're own back, than worry about everyone's else's.


So how can it be more productive when the country has steadily declined since this attitude arose?


And the london riots were violent though,police can not harm people if you acting in a large peaceful mass,if they do then the rest of the country will get ****ed and they're really for it.Why do you think we have such little power as a population m8?we are sheep who never rise but if we did we have alot of weight behind us.


I just cant swallow the system bit either,society was created for everyones benefit and your saying its ****e but we have to just get on with it,well where does the buck stop then? well end up working for the lord and lady in accommodation on their land in years to come if we sit back that much.

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  corrado_sunderland said:
So does it not drive anyone towards a revolution politically?


revolution requires mass dissatisfaction and then a spark to instigate and unify the protest, this is the case with the arab spring and to a lesser extent greece. in the UK we've got life very good in comparrison, after all we're not being picked off an totalitarian regime, and its only a small proportion of the population who are on the breadline - as of now that is...


UK circumstances may change for the worse, i think they're likely too, particularly if that man-boy milliband and balls achieve power - but we'll just have to agree to disagree on that one!


if nothing else they're interesting times we live in.


---------- Post added at 5:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 4:57 PM ----------


  corrado_sunderland said:
society was created for everyones benefit


society is for everyones benefit but it doesn't make it equal and it never will do. changing party or policy isn't going to change that.

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I dont get it,Everyone on here isnt happy so why dont people say,you shouldnt wait until things are as bad as elsewhere to say just when things start to deteriorate heavily like they are

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Nah mate, everyone except you IS happy/ content!


Yeh we'd all like things improved but it doesn't get to us that much that we'll start a revolution over it :)

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