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Pages being redirected to some other website...?

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Wondering if anyone else is getting this problem.

Since yesterday, I've had occasional redirects to this website:




It's very random, but it's happened about 3 times on my home PC and once on my laptop at work.


Pretty sure I haven't got any malware/viruses, and I've not accidently clicked on the banner :)

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That really does look like some sort of malware to be doing that, the question is, is it your computer or the forum server, i have had no such problem, run malwarebytes just to rule out your own machines.

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Interesting - only person who can do anything with this is Andi.


I've personally not had this happen once though - I use Google Chrome. I'll post a subject in the mods forum to get his attention..

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There was a YUI exploit which I've just patched... think it might be related..


Let me know!

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There was a YUI exploit which I've just patched... think it might be related..


Let me know!


thank you, I've had various things come up that i was not expecting.... yesterday was...... I've been selected at random in bedfordshire to fill a survey in and i would win something.... i don't even live in bedfordshire.

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Also - make sure you are always logged in when browsing the forum.

There is some software which adds links to certain words if you're not logged in (it generates a little bit of advertising revenue for me from the bots that scan the site) but you won't see it if you're logged in.

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I've only had the 'arse' message recently a couple of times. Bit embarrassing in work when it pops up just as someone approaches my desk...:)

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Anyone got examples of threads that are doing this? I've not had this happen once yet..

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It looks like it only happens on Internet Explorer, i use Opera and am unaffected, maybe the affected people could tell us what browser they are on, to narrow it down a tad ?

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Yeah I use Firefox and Safari and haven't seen anything yet. Suspicion is also that it could be IE specific?

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Hi guys,


It's not the forum specifically.

In fact, I'm not entirely sure where it's coming from - it may be a rogue advert which has installed Malware in IE on your machines, or it may be malware from elsewhere on the internet which just re-writes URLs in vBulletin forums... Not sure!

We got a mention on this site which has the same complaint:



In fact Google shows a lot of sites with the same thread... no solution yet? (Other than don't use IE - which is pretty wise advice in itself).



So, best go here, then.. ;)


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