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Signature Making

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I am trying to make a signature picture and its doing my head in, its either tiny or massive..


Can someone give me some guidance, i have a picture cropped ready i just need the correct sizing....


Thanking you...

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Do you have a program that will resize it for you? Something like 100px high by whatever wide tends to work. Some versions of windows have an image re-sizer either built in or available as an add-on.

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save someone elses for dimensions and edit yours down till it matches if you dont have photoshop etc..

i always edit back over my old ones as they were the exact dimensions of the largest size you could have. however since the forum changes, i think you can go bigger than mine again now.

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I'll drop you a PM with my email address. I can't promise arty stuff but I can re-size if you have it in a format you like.

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