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Little argument in the offce (insurance)

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Everyone has their own experiences and opinions, but surely if this is about discrimination then EVERYONE should pay the same rate to start with. Go for one year without a crash and the rate drops sharply, screw up and it stays high for a few years.


I know in theory this is probably unworkable, but I don't see why they can discriminate age but not gender anymore? What if a study found that Asian people had more accidents than white people? Would they get away with hiking up their premium? I really struggled to insure my first car but it was essential for me to work and resented paying a huge premium because I was apparently the same as another group of people based on my age and gender.


And as mentioned, I love the way that women's has gone up but men's stays the same. Surely if this was about equality and balance, then men's would have dropped slightly!

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So women's insurance rates went up to chaps, rather than the chaps coming down to the women's rates, surely just another example of corporate greed ?


Maybe we'll find out that our gas/electric prices have been rigged for years......oh no, hold on, they have.

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  CazzaVR said:
However, my definition of safe is different to my wife's, simply because I will drive out quickly, whereas she would drive out too slowly, so wouldn't make it. She sits and waits for a big enough gap that allows her to drive out at a comfortable speed for her. Can be very frustrating!


Womens spacial awareness, judgement of speed and night vision are worse than mens on the whole. That isn't sexism, it's a biological fact :D


They take fewer risks too and will, for example, pull into the left lane for a dual carriageway turn-off 3 miles back instead of taking a chance on there being a gap further up.


Still, the way the roads are these days it's a miracle we don't all have a prang every day.

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I'll repeat what i said in another thread -


I had a cracker yesterday. Went to take the dog out for a good walk with the GF. On the way back we headed down a road that was closed but allowed access. Me and another car was driving along, got to a blind corner to be confronted with a Audi A3 on the wrong side of the road (double white lines also), driven by a daft bint. She was headed right towards us and was only a couple of feet from hitting me. I was doing about 40 she prob was doing the same. I went ape shoite...


I can only imagine she thought she had the road to herself and was cutting corners. What a stupid c0w

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  Kevin Bacon said:
I'd wager she was updating her Facebook status.... "Just about to crash, LOL"


Im now getting some funny looks sitting in an office tittering at this :lol:

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  Kevin Bacon said:
I'd wager she was updating her Facebook status.... "Just about to crash, LOL"




If ever someone says women drive slow they need to have seen this stupid bint, she planted her foot to the floor straight after :lol: I ended up turning round (coincidentally) and headed back the other way as it would have been quicker and we eventually caught her up at a set of lights, but to get where she was in that amount of time she must have been going like sh!t off a shovel

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I'm a delivery driver, meaning that i'm out on the roads 5-6 hours most days of the week and i have to say, i find my self having to avoid accidents nearly every day, really is a shocking state of affairs. Biggest gripe has to be people not indicating/not being able to decide what lane to be in and changing every 10 yards!

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  corrado_sunderland said:
Bitch shut up and make me some pie :lol:


PMSL i nearly fell off my seat reading that!!! :D

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