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So I hit a pothole the other day. I say pothole, this thing is more like a crater. I kept to the left to avoid the big hole on my right (to the left of the photo) only to hit the massive hole hidden underwater on the left. I'm not happy in the slightest. I've put up with various spring and tyre casualties over the years due to our shocking roads, I complain but haven't chased for compensation before. Well I'm nailing the council to the wall this time. One wrecked BBS RA, Yokahama tyre and a bent rear beam. It actually really hurt when we hit it and both the missus and me smacked our heads on the ceiling, I'm glad I was doing only 15mph. Watch out for those holes!

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Yeah it does, I love those wheels and I don't love changing beams. It's the hole that you can't see for the water that did the damage, it make the ones you can see look like nothing. I measured it as approximately from five to eight inches deep and about six feet long. But being under stinking farm run-off water it's hard to tell exactly

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Absolute joke...


You should get something from the council regards that I'd think, especially as you have pics/measured. That's exactly what you should do when this sort of thing happens.


PS: I've used this site before and had near immediate fixes to pot holes etc. http://www.fixmystreet.com/


Good luck getting it sorted mate.




EDIT: Just to add, and knowing what the council can be like. I'd get more pics and hold the current paper/date in them too. :thumbleft:

Edited by Riley

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That's bad luck and I regret to say the Council will indeed try and wriggle out of compensation on the grounds that they cannot know about every pothole. If it had been reported already then they are liable. Thats the line they used on me.

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I'll have a look at that site, thanks. I've reported it on potholes.co.uk


I've applied for records of the County Council's surveys and repairs to that road under the Freedom Of Information Act.


Make sure you do that BEFORE a complaint goes in otherwise they can wriggle on it as well.



Foretunately I've got a spare beam and a pair of mk4 calipers to go on it. Just need new brake lines and hoses, bearings, discs, bushes ect..

Edited by Ralphead

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I think this situation is all over the ec. That is what we get from being member of the ec. Everything seems to be faling apart. Everyone looses except the politicians...

My statement here is not a political one, just a real world look upon what's going on.

Hope you will get is sorted with propper payment from the responsible authority. Actually your shell should be measured in a gig to ensure it's not bent or out of shape.


Best of luck,


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Thanks. I did look over the door gaps and top of the pillars ect. and all seems good. It's not like I was going fast, that said I twisted the shell of a fairly modern Mitsubishi in a fairly minor hedge incident.


We here are stuck in the EU now, 25 years ago maybe things could have been changed but we're integrated now, that and America will black ball us if we leave. Obama and Camerons late night phone call last week confirmed that.

There just isn't enough of anything to go around anymore, too many people..

Edited by Ralphead

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